
Utilizing Mongoose with Next JS 13 for MongoDB: A Practical Guide

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How to use Mongoose with Next JS 13 for MongoDB

How to use Mongoose with Next JS 13 for MongoDB

Next.js is a popular framework for building server-side rendered React applications. It offers a great developer experience and makes it easy to build fast and scalable web applications. MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database that is commonly used with Node.js applications. Mongoose is a popular ODM (Object-Document Mapping) library for MongoDB that provides a simple schema-based solution for modeling your application data. In this article, we will explore how to use Mongoose with Next.js 13 for MongoDB.

Setting up Next.js 13 with Mongoose

First, you will need to install Next.js 13 and Mongoose in your project. You can do so by running the following commands in your terminal:

            npm install next@13 mongoose

Once Next.js and Mongoose are installed, you can connect to your MongoDB database by creating a new Mongoose connection in your Next.js application. You can do so by creating a new file, for example, db.js, and adding the following code:

            // db.js
            import mongoose from 'mongoose';

            const connectDB = async () => {
                try {
                    const conn = await mongoose.connect('your_mongodb_uri', {
                        useNewUrlParser: true,
                        useUnifiedTopology: true

                    console.log(`MongoDB Connected: ${conn.connection.host}`);
                } catch (err) {

            export default connectDB;

Next, you can use the connectDB function in your Next.js pages or API routes to connect to your MongoDB database. For example, you can create a new page in your Next.js application and use Mongoose to query and manipulate your data:

            // pages/index.js
            import connectDB from "../db";
            import mongoose from 'mongoose';

            const Home = ({ data }) => {
                return (

Welcome to our Next.js application!


); }; export async function getServerSideProps() { connectDB(); const MyModel = mongoose.model('MyModel', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String })); const doc = new MyModel({ name: 'John' }); await doc.save(); return { props: { data: `New document created: ${doc.name}` } }; } export default Home;


In this article, we have seen how to use Mongoose with Next.js 13 for MongoDB. By following these steps, you can easily connect to your MongoDB database and perform data operations using Mongoose in your Next.js application. This allows you to build powerful and scalable web applications with Next.js and MongoDB.

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wait a minute who are you
7 months ago

Great video! The link in the description is pointing to the previous video's branch btw

eric secretaria
7 months ago

@timetocode_with_ali, please also do a nextauth or a signup, with mongodb. Thanks in advance

7 months ago

Can you make projects on react + next js ?

7 months ago


7 months ago

really appreciate this content! thanks!!!

7 months ago

shes so cute i fell for her

Uvesh Qadri
7 months ago

I like this type of tutorial where you get errors also, so we can learn how to tackle errors. Thank you, ma'am. Love from India.

Thotholani Tembo
7 months ago

Hello. This is great. Thank you so much! I have one question though. I keep having this error where my application will connect to the db on one day but refuse completely to connect ton my db on another day and it is sending a timeout error. What could be the problem and how can I solve this issue

Er sonu saini
7 months ago

Thanks for your videos!! I really learn a Lot

Nicolas Valenzuela
7 months ago

Thanks for your videos!! I really learn a Lot

Sebastian Medina
7 months ago

Thanks for the video!

7 months ago

can you please explain me , why we use serverComponentsExternalPackages in simple language, and what happen if we dont use that

Sakib Coder
7 months ago

Amazing tutorial Alicia

Wallace silva
7 months ago

Very good 🎉

Afaq Ahmad
7 months ago

Hello there 😂 mam you are a spectacular teacher

Theviperxx Sy
7 months ago

Thanks for create videos high quality education