
Utilizing Node.js, MongoDB, and Redux Toolkit Query for the Nike App Backend

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Nike App Backend: Node.js, MongoDB, Redux Toolkit Query

The Technology Stack Behind Nike App Backend

When it comes to building a robust backend for a large-scale application like the Nike app, choosing the right technology stack is crucial. Nike’s backend is powered by a combination of Node.js, MongoDB, and Redux Toolkit Query, providing a reliable and high-performance infrastructure for handling the app’s data and user interactions.


Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side applications. It is built on the V8 JavaScript engine and allows developers to write server-side code using JavaScript. Nike’s backend uses Node.js to handle HTTP requests, manage the application’s business logic, and interact with the MongoDB database. Node.js’s event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O make it a great choice for building scalable and responsive backend systems.


MongoDB is a widely-used NoSQL database that is known for its flexibility and scalability. It stores data in a document-based format, making it easy to work with complex and hierarchical data structures. Nike’s backend uses MongoDB to store and retrieve various types of data, such as user profiles, product information, and transaction records. MongoDB’s flexibility and scalability make it a great fit for a large and dynamic application like the Nike app.

Redux Toolkit Query

Redux Toolkit Query is a data fetching and caching library for Redux, a popular state management tool for JavaScript applications. It provides a powerful and efficient way to manage and retrieve data from a backend API. Nike’s backend uses Redux Toolkit Query to fetch and cache data from its Node.js server, providing a seamless and responsive user experience. Redux Toolkit Query’s built-in caching and error handling capabilities make it a great choice for handling data fetching and management in a complex application like the Nike app.


The combination of Node.js, MongoDB, and Redux Toolkit Query provides a solid foundation for the Nike app’s backend infrastructure. With the power and flexibility of Node.js, the scalability of MongoDB, and the efficient data handling of Redux Toolkit Query, Nike’s backend is capable of handling the high demands of a large-scale and dynamic application. This technology stack ensures that the Nike app delivers a seamless and responsive experience for its users.

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The Legend
7 months ago

when i post the orders it Cannot post/orders and syntax error JSON parsing error ? why . please tell me

Goal Maaz
7 months ago

I have just completed the first part of the course but I have no prior knowledge of backend development, can I jump into this or I should focus on the next course?

Vítor Peixoto
7 months ago

Just testing my exclusive member emoji…

social app
7 months ago

I've just finished this series to help my own app but I'm new to backend development. Can anybody state whether this app is not production ready or, are there any other steps needed before deployment to stores?

Thato Lebethe
7 months ago

Great tutorial.

Ali Hamza
7 months ago

My react native app is not getting data from backend server on localhost {"error": "TypeError: Network request failed", "status": "FETCH_ERROR"}. Tried everything. Double check the code and everything. It is working on browser but not when I call in the app. Let me know what can I try to fix?

Prasanth Shan
7 months ago

More react native and node js videos

Robert Kunda
7 months ago

Am running into an error when I update the productRoutes to use the database layer

7 months ago

Hi sir, im curious, why you didn't used mongoose and used MongoClient instead

Hero Playz
7 months ago

I am unable to do backend help me my database is not auto-generating orders files and I am getting sick of it help me

No Name
7 months ago

Чел, я тебе советую сменить стейт менеджер. RTK уже устаревшая технология по сравнению, то что существует сейчас: EffectorJS, Zustand, react-query.

Hero Playz
7 months ago

Hello Vadim , Plz make Uber clone One more time plz it's not working plz help us

Guna N
7 months ago

When getting the product's from the fetch the me an content-type there is problem i have

Rahul Tilwani
7 months ago

Where is the frontend if this is backend?