Utilizing Qt for WebAssembly in Your Projects: A Comprehensive Guide

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How to use Qt for WebAssembly in your Projects – Qt Explained

How to use Qt for WebAssembly in your Projects – Qt Explained

Qt is a popular cross-platform application development framework that allows developers to create applications for various platforms such as desktop, mobile, and embedded systems. With the release of Qt 5.13, developers can now also target WebAssembly, enabling them to create web applications using Qt.

Getting Started with Qt for WebAssembly

To get started with Qt for WebAssembly, you first need to install the Qt development tools on your system. You can download the installer from the Qt website and follow the installation instructions to set up the necessary tools.

Once you have installed the Qt tools, you can create a new Qt project and select the WebAssembly platform as the target platform. Qt provides a set of ready-made templates for WebAssembly projects, making it easy to get started with development.

Building and Deploying WebAssembly Applications

After you have developed your Qt application for WebAssembly, you need to build it for the WebAssembly platform. Qt provides tools and cmake support for building WebAssembly applications, and you can use the Qt Creator IDE to build and deploy your application to a web server.

Once your application is built, you can deploy it to a web server and access it from any modern web browser that supports WebAssembly. Qt for WebAssembly enables you to create high-performance web applications with a native look and feel, using the power of the Qt framework.


Qt for WebAssembly opens up new possibilities for developers to create web applications with the power and flexibility of the Qt framework. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can start developing your own WebAssembly applications using Qt and unleash the full potential of web development with Qt.