Utilizing Spring Boot and Angular for Task Management: Implementing Post Task API in Angular (Part 19)

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Task Management System with Spring Boot & Angular | Calling Post Task API in Angular | Part 19

Task Management System with Spring Boot & Angular | Calling Post Task API in Angular | Part 19

In this tutorial, we will be learning how to call the Post Task API in Angular for our Task Management System. This API allows us to create a new task and add it to the database.

Setting up the Angular Service

First, we need to create a service in Angular that will handle the HTTP requests to our backend. We can do this by running the following command in the terminal:

ng generate service task

This will create a new service file in our Angular project. Inside this file, we can create a method that will make a HTTP POST request to the backend API.

Calling the Post Task API

Next, we can call the Post Task API in our Angular component. We can do this by injecting the service we created earlier and calling the method we defined inside it. We can then pass in the task object that we want to add to the database.

addTask(task) {
this.taskService.addTask(task).subscribe(response => {
console.log('Task added successfully');

By subscribing to the response from the API call, we can handle the success or error response accordingly. In this case, we are simply logging a message to the console if the task is added successfully.


By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you should now be able to call the Post Task API in Angular for your Task Management System. This will allow you to create new tasks and add them to the database with ease.

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