Validating with Scikit-Learn’s GridSearchCV Using PredefinedSplit – A Remarkably Effective Method

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Scikit-learn is a powerful Python library for machine learning, offering a wide range of tools and capabilities for building and evaluating models. One of the key features of scikit-learn is its GridSearchCV function, which allows users to efficiently search through a hyperparameter space and find the best parameters for a given model.

In addition to GridSearchCV, scikit-learn also provides a PredefinedSplit function, which allows users to specify their own predefined validation sets for use in cross-validation. This can be useful in situations where a particular validation set is needed, for example when working with time series data.

Combining GridSearchCV and PredefinedSplit can be a powerful tool for fine-tuning models and evaluating their performance. By using a predefined validation set, users can ensure that their models are tested on a realistic and representative dataset, rather than relying solely on random sampling for cross-validation.

To demonstrate how to use GridSearchCV with PredefinedSplit, let’s consider a simple example using a dataset of suspiciously good cross-validation scores. In this example, we will use a RandomForestClassifier to classify a dataset of suspicious data points as either benign or malicious.

First, we import the necessary libraries and load our dataset:


Using Scikit-Learn GridSearchCV with PredefinedSplit – Suspiciously good cross validation

Using Scikit-Learn GridSearchCV with PredefinedSplit

Suspiciously good cross validation

In this example, we will use a RandomForestClassifier to classify a dataset of suspicious data points as either benign or malicious.

Data Point Label
Data Point 1 Benign
Data Point 2 Malicious
Data Point 3 Benign
Data Point 4 Benign
Data Point 5 Malicious

import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, PredefinedSplit

# Define our dataset
X = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6]])
y = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1])

# Define our predefined validation set
val_set = [-1, 0, -1, -1, 1]

# Create a PredefinedSplit object
ps = PredefinedSplit(test_fold=val_set)

# Define our parameter grid for GridSearchCV
param_grid = {
‘n_estimators’: [10, 50, 100],
‘max_depth’: [None, 5, 10]

# Create our RandomForestClassifier model
rf = RandomForestClassifier()

# Create a GridSearchCV object
clf = GridSearchCV(estimator=rf, param_grid=param_grid, cv=ps)

# Fit the model, y)


In this example, our dataset consists of five data points, with two classes: benign and malicious. We then define a predefined validation set, where data points with a value of -1 are used for training and data points with a value of 0 or 1 are used for validation.

Next, we define a parameter grid for the RandomForestClassifier, specifying different values for the number of estimators and maximum depth of the trees. We then create a GridSearchCV object, passing in our predefined validation set and grid of parameters.

Finally, we fit our model using the fit method, which will search through the parameter grid and evaluate the performance of the RandomForestClassifier on our predefined validation set.

By combining GridSearchCV with PredefinedSplit, we can efficiently search through hyperparameter space and evaluate our model on a realistic validation set. This can help to ensure that our model is robust and generalizes well to new data, rather than simply memorizing the training set.

In conclusion, using Scikit-learn’s GridSearchCV with PredefinedSplit is a powerful technique for fine-tuning models and evaluating their performance. By specifying our own predefined validation set, we can ensure that our models are tested on realistic data and produce reliable results.