
Vike: A Framework Building Workshop with Rom Brillout at ViteConf 2022

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Vike: Build Your Own Framework, Rom Brillout, ViteConf 2022

Vike: Build Your Own Framework

At ViteConf 2022, Rom Brillout introduced Vike, a tool that allows developers to build their own JavaScript framework. Vike is an open-source project that provides developers with a set of tools and best practices to create their own custom framework tailored to their specific needs.

One of the key features of Vike is its flexibility. Developers can choose which components, modules, and features they want to include in their framework, allowing them to create a lightweight and optimized solution for their projects. This customization also makes it easier to maintain and scale the framework over time.

In addition to allowing developers to build their own framework, Vike also provides a set of pre-built components and tools that can be used as a starting point for creating new projects. These components are designed to be modular, allowing developers to mix and match them to create unique solutions for their specific use cases.

Rom Brillout at ViteConf 2022

Rom Brillout, the creator of Vike, spoke at ViteConf 2022 about the inspiration behind the project and how it can benefit developers. He emphasized the importance of customizing frameworks to fit the unique needs of each project, and how Vike provides an easy and efficient way to do so.

Brillout also highlighted the community aspect of Vike, encouraging developers to contribute to the project and share their own custom frameworks with others. By collaborating and sharing knowledge, developers can help improve and expand the capabilities of Vike for everyone.

Overall, Vike offers an innovative approach to framework development, empowering developers to create tailored solutions that are optimized for their specific requirements. With its flexibility, modularity, and community-driven ethos, Vike is set to revolutionize the way developers build and maintain JavaScript frameworks.

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20 days ago

Thank you for this <3

20 days ago

Thank you for vike! ❤
We use vike in productiion for some our projects. I like vike!

20 days ago

Amazing 🎉

20 days ago

Vike is a pain in the arse when integrating to existing app, the documentation aren't worth it enough plus there are no guides on how to do that on a production-level project, if one has to write *a little bit of boilerplate code* then how it's going to make the development faster, one would rather move out to nextjs cause they have a tons of help available online. The problem statement is still not clear though of what is it doing really.

20 days ago

Is there any online resource I can use, I'm working on a framework which currently uses webpack and I want to move to vite

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