
Visual Copilot Rapidly and Precisely Converts Figma Mocks to React

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Visual Copilot Converts Figma Mocks to React Fast and Accurately

Visual Copilot: Fast and Accurate Figma to React Conversion

Visual Copilot is a revolutionary new tool that allows developers to quickly and accurately convert Figma design mocks to React code.

How It Works

Visual Copilot uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret Figma design files. It then generates clean, semantic React code that closely matches the original design.

Key Features

  • Speed: Visual Copilot can convert Figma design mocks to React code in a matter of seconds, saving developers valuable time and effort.
  • Accuracy: The tool produces highly accurate React code that closely represents the original design, reducing the need for manual adjustments and revisions.
  • Customization: Visual Copilot allows developers to customize the generated React code to fit their specific project requirements.

Why Visual Copilot?

Traditional methods of converting Figma designs to React code often involve manual labor and can be time-consuming and error-prone. Visual Copilot streamlines this process, ensuring that developers can focus on building and iterating on their applications rather than spending extensive time on code conversion.


Visual Copilot is a game-changer for developers working with Figma designs and React code. Its fast and accurate conversion capabilities significantly reduce the time and effort required to bring designs to life in a React application. Visual Copilot empowers developers to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately improving the overall development process.

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6 months ago

Hi I use the windows system and I cannot run the script with the given command is there any specific command for windows THank you
cat src/app/page.tsx | node scripts/download-images.js | pbcopy

6 months ago

Cool ai tool but too much garbage HTML.
This render is huge, foiled with HTML tags (what's the idea of using react without custom components), unreadable, not reusable, looks like spaghetti code in vanilla.
But the idea behind it is good.

6 months ago

You would still have to turn it into dynamic code and that is the point actually

6 months ago

what a nice forest view from windows of your home)

6 months ago

Your script was the thing I actually liked the most, nice content Jack!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Figma is so damn good. We replaced Photoshop with it years ago and it's made our development process SO much better.

6 months ago

Thanks, cool!

6 months ago

nice content, what theme do you use sir??

6 months ago

Adobe came out with this like 10 yrs ago with jsx scripting language in photoshop

6 months ago

rly like those shoes wtc

6 months ago


6 months ago

Hello dear Jack,
How can contact you directly , I have some question and need consultant .

6 months ago

I will wait till some app does everything for me

6 months ago

Is this tool useful for generating code from component library designs? I quite often get designs with, for example, a button that can have a hover state, optional icon, optional text, disabled state etc. Does anyone know if this tool can generate code/styling based on those facets?

6 months ago

This mock-up is veeery simple, first of all. And come one guys, already one year ago it was able to create working apps by photo. I do not underestimate AI and it will be able to write code ( and that is 20% of my working day), but if we are talking about complexity and real problem solving it is nowhere nearer to replace even a copywriter or content creator (at least for now😂). And I will let myself a chance to predict the future of it and say that it’s going to reach it plato in a year or two. Soon we won’t be frustrated but happy that it is here .

6 months ago

probably works the best with regular react, tried to convert my mobile app figma into react-native components and only poop came out

6 months ago

Oh no! We are done! AI will take our jobs now 🙁

6 months ago

I'm surprised Steve Sewell hasn't thumbs up-ed this video yet 😅

6 months ago

this thing is gonna replace devs soo