Visualizing Cross-Sectional Data in Real-Time with Perspective and Spark Streaming

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Streaming cross-sectional data visualization refers to the process of visualizing data that is continuously changing and updating over time. This type of data is often found in real-time applications such as financial markets, IoT devices, and social media feeds. In this tutorial, we will be using the Perspective library along with Spark to create visually appealing and interactive cross-sectional data visualizations.

  1. Setting Up Your Environment
    To get started, you will need to have Python and Spark installed on your system. You can download and install Python from the official website and Spark from the Apache Spark website. Once you have installed both, you can proceed to install the Perspective library using the following command:
pip install perspective-python
  1. Creating a Spark Streaming Application
    Next, we will create a Spark streaming application that will generate cross-sectional data in real-time. For this tutorial, we will create a simple Python script that generates random stock price data. Create a file named and add the following code:
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
import random
import time

sc = SparkContext("local[2]", "StreamingCrossSectionalDataVisualization")
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 1)

def generate_stock_data():
    while True:
        stock_data = {
            'AAPL': round(random.uniform(100, 200), 2),
            'GOOGL': round(random.uniform(1000, 1500), 2),
            'AMZN': round(random.uniform(2000, 3000), 2)
        yield stock_data

stock_stream = ssc.queueStream([sc.parallelize(generate_stock_data())])


This script creates a Spark streaming context and generates random stock price data for three different stocks (AAPL, GOOGL, and AMZN) every second. You can replace this data generation logic with your own custom data source.

  1. Visualizing the Data with Perspective
    Now that we have our Spark streaming application running, we can create a Perspective table and chart to visualize the cross-sectional data. Create a file named and add the following code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import perspective

table = perspective.Table({
    'columns': ['Stock', 'Price'],
    'index': 'Stock'

chart = perspective.HypergridChart()

def update_table_from_row(row):
    for key, value in row.items():
            'Stock': key,
            'Price': value

def update_chart():
    data = table.view().to_dict()



viewer = perspective.PerspectiveViewer([table, chart])

import time
while True:
    row = stock_stream.take(1)[0]

This script creates a Perspective table and Hypergrid chart to visualize the cross-sectional stock price data. It updates the table and chart with the latest data from the Spark streaming application and displays them in a Perspective viewer.

  1. Running the Application
    To run the streaming data visualization application, open two terminal windows. In the first terminal window, run the Spark streaming application using the following command:

In the second terminal window, run the visualization script using the following command:


You should now see the stock price data updating in real-time in the Perspective viewer. You can customize the visualization by adding more columns to the table or using different chart types in the Perspective chart.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of streaming cross-sectional data visualization using Perspective and Spark. You can further enhance this application by connecting to different data sources, adding more complex data transformations, and creating more interactive visualizations. Experiment with different configurations and data sources to create compelling and informative cross-sectional data visualizations.