Vite Builder-Infused Plasmic Audio Player

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Plasmic Audio Player

Introducing the Plasmic Audio Player

If you are looking for a sleek and powerful audio player for your websites, look no further than the Plasmic Audio Player. With its intuitive design and advanced features, it’s the perfect tool for playing audio on your website.

Key Features

  • Supports multiple audio formats such as MP3, WAV, and FLAC
  • Customizable design to match your website’s branding
  • Responsive layout for seamless display on all devices
  • Playlist creation and management
  • Support for album artwork display

Getting Started with Vite Builder

The Plasmic Audio Player can be easily integrated into your website using Vite, a next-generation front-end tooling. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Install Vite globally using npm: npm install -g create-vite
  2. Create a new Vite project for your website: create-vite my-website
  3. Navigate to the project directory and install the Plasmic Audio Player package: npm install plasmic-audio-player
  4. Import the Plasmic Audio Player component into your website and start customizing its settings

Example Code

Here’s an example of how you can integrate the Plasmic Audio Player into your website using Vite:

import { PlasmicAudioPlayer } from 'plasmic-audio-player';

function MyAudioPlayer() {
return (


Start Using the Plasmic Audio Player Today

With its modern design and powerful features, the Plasmic Audio Player is the perfect choice for adding audio playback to your website. Whether you are a musician, podcaster, or website owner, the Plasmic Audio Player is a great addition to any website. Get started with Vite and integrate the Plasmic Audio Player into your website today!

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7 months ago

Can it work with soutcast streaming?

7 months ago

Sure, you can write me at

It is not finished yet but almost done…

7 months ago

Can we talk in an email about the construction of this player?