Vite Crash Course: A Faster Alternative to CRA

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Vite Crash Course | Faster Alternative To CRA

Vite Crash Course

If you’re tired of waiting for your Create React App (CRA) projects to build, then you may want to consider using Vite as a faster alternative. Vite is a build tool that is designed to be extremely fast, with near instant hot module replacement and blazing fast builds.

Getting Started with Vite

Getting started with Vite is easy. You can simply use the following command to create a new Vite project:

npx create-vite my-vite-project

This will create a new Vite project with all the necessary dependencies and configuration files. You can then start the development server using the following command:

npm run dev

Features of Vite

One of the key features of Vite is its use of native ES modules, which allows for faster module loading and bundling. Vite also supports TypeScript out of the box, and has built-in support for CSS pre-processors like SCSS and Less.

Performance Benefits

Compared to CRA, Vite offers significant performance benefits. Builds are faster, and the development server has near instant hot module replacement, making for a smoother development experience.


If you’re looking for a faster alternative to Create React App, then Vite may be the perfect choice for your next project. Its speed and performance benefits make it a compelling option for developers who value efficiency and productivity.

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6 months ago

excellent tutorial, I followed along without a single issue. thank you so much.

6 months ago

It could have been fantastic if you had incorporated testing with Vite as well.

6 months ago

What are the icons you are using and theme?

6 months ago

I wish I could like this a million times. Thank you so much!

6 months ago

Thank you so much !

6 months ago

Its a million time better than CRA

6 months ago

I enjoyed this! Thanks

6 months ago

Why npm run preview shows blank white page ?

6 months ago

Love this channel, but this video is trash
First line from the documentation is repeated back and worth back and worth without any explanation. "Vite doesn't bundle everything and that's why it fast. It fast because doesn't bundle everything" Just common words

6 months ago

But this really doesn't tell us what to do with the mess of truncated code that doesn't run on a host after it's been uploaded.

6 months ago

I am glad I found this clip. I actually didn't enjoy Vite at first. Felt confusing… you know why? With webpack and other solutions got used to the fact that I have to define paths to bundle-able assets, a lot of other boilerplate config beforehand, specific production config and optimizations that you have to set up – I was looking for that in Vite and got super confused when I found nothing like it.
This has been the best switch I have done in build tools, ever.

6 months ago

Vite is really cool, i love the way it is so lightweight, giving the developer more control, and making the dev experience more enjoyable

6 months ago

– [00:00]( 🎥 This video is a Vite crash course, covering its benefits and how it compares to traditional build tools like webpack.

– [01:20]( 🧩 Webpack is a traditional module bundler that bundles development source code into a single JavaScript file for production use.

– [02:44]( 🚀 Vite, unlike webpack, leverages native ES modules in modern browsers for faster development, avoiding repetitive bundling during code changes.

– [03:38]( 📦 Vite uses Rollup for production bundling, making it a fast alternative for development compared to webpack or parcel.

– [04:20]( 💡 Vite is gaining popularity as an alternative to create-react-app, offering speed advantages for front-end development.

– [07:02]( 🛠 Setting up a Vite project is easy using a simple command like `npm create @latest`. You can choose different templates and frameworks like React or Vue.

– [08:24]( 📄 Vite project structure is lightweight and simple, with a minimalistic `package.json` and straightforward configuration.

– [12:24]( ♻ Vite offers Hot Module Replacement (HMR), allowing changes in code to be reflected immediately without requiring a full rebuild.

– [13:49]( 🔧 You can easily set up environment variables like API URLs in a Vite project.

– [14:07]( 🎨 Vite supports SCSS out of the box, making it simple to add and use CSS preprocessors in your project.

– [15:05]( 🏗 Building a Vite project for production is straightforward with the `npm run build` command, and you can preview the production build with `npm run preview`.

– [16:10]( 📚 Vite offers official and community plugins that extend its functionality, allowing for integration with various tools, libraries, and frameworks.

6 months ago

Vite is awesome. Our build time got so much faster when we switched to it from webpack. Until this video, I've pronounced it to rhyme with "byte", whoops.

6 months ago

Brad never disappoint

6 months ago

GOD how much I HATE webpack! I soaked myself along with my system inside a sanitizer for 2 hours I spent on configuring webpack. With Vite, it was literally 2 mins when my dev phase is up! HATE WEBPACK!

6 months ago

Vite is showing a blank page after using routing, anyone has the same problem?

6 months ago

My Hello world is not showing I don't know what I did wrong

6 months ago

Would be nice with more Vite tutorials. Like setting up navbar and routing.

6 months ago

This tutorial didn't tell me anything. I know nothing about React. I'd like to see a tutorial just on Vite with html css js to start. Most of the time I use Laravel with Tailwindcss or Vue3. I'm very green with Vite so in this tutorial I wasn't sure if I was looking at Vite functionality or React functionality. At this point, Vite is more of a hinderance than a benefit. Looking through the Vite docs, they don't provide any examples that I can see or examples of what can be done with Vite.