
Vite: The Game-Changing Webpack Alternative by Mathieu Mure and Antoine Caron

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Vite – the Webpack killer

⚡️ Vite⚡️ – the Webpack killer

Developed by Mathieu Mure and Antoine Caron, Vite is a build tool for modern web applications that aims to be much faster compared to traditional bundlers like Webpack.

What is Vite?

Vite is a French word that translates to “fast” in English, and true to its name, Vite delivers exceptional performance in web development builds. It leverages on native ES modules in modern browsers, allowing developers to skip the lengthy bundling process during development, resulting in near-instantaneous reload times.

Why is Vite gaining popularity among developers?

The major reason behind Vite’s growing popularity is its immense speed. Developers no longer have to wait for a lengthy bundle process during development, which significantly improves productivity. With Vite, the development server serves individual modules on-demand, making it much faster compared to traditional bundlers like Webpack.

In addition to its speed, Vite provides an unmatched developer experience. It supports hot module replacement (HMR) out of the box, which means changes to the code are reflected immediately in the browser without requiring a full page reload. This feature greatly speeds up the development cycle, allowing developers to see the changes in real-time as they code.

How does Vite work?

Vite works by leveraging the native ES Modules support in modern web browsers to serve individual modules without bundling. During development, Vite launches a lightweight development server that handles module resolution on the fly, serving them via HTTP as requested by the browser.

When it comes to production, Vite uses Rollup to bundle the code into a small number of optimized JavaScript and CSS files, enabling efficient delivery to the browser.

Getting started with Vite

To get started with Vite, make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. Then, install the Vite CLI globally by running the following command:

npm install -g create-vite

Once the installation is complete, create a new project by running:

create-vite my-project

Change to the project directory and install the dependencies by running:

cd my-project
npm install

Now, you’re ready to start developing with Vite! Run the following command to start the development server:

npm run dev

You can then open your project in the browser and start coding. Changes to the code will be hot-reloaded, providing a seamless development experience.


Vite is emerging as a compelling alternative to traditional bundlers like Webpack. Its lightning-fast performance and developer-friendly features make it an excellent choice for modern web development. With Vite, developers can code, see changes in real-time, and maintain high productivity throughout their development process. Give Vite a try for your next project and experience the speed and convenience it brings to the table.

So, say goodbye to the lengthy bundling process and embrace the speed of Vite – the Webpack killer!

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8 months ago

super cette présentation. Bon sujet, Belle description de Vite. À la fois abordable mais aussi va loin dans le sujet. C'est top, merci