
ViteConf 2022: An in-depth guide to Developing, Documenting, and Testing your Vite app using Storybook by Ian VanSchooten

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Title: Streamlining App Development with Storybook: A Guide from Ian VanSchooten at ViteConf 2022


At ViteConf 2022, Ian VanSchooten, an esteemed software engineer, presented a comprehensive guide on developing, documenting, and testing Vite apps using Storybook. With an increasing demand for rapid and efficient app development, Storybook has emerged as a powerful tool that empowers developers to streamline their workflow and enhance collaboration. In this article, we will delve into the insights shared by VanSchooten and explore how Storybook can revolutionize your Vite app development process.

1. Understanding the Basics of Storybook:

Storybook is a user interface (UI) development environment that allows developers to create and test individual UI components in isolation. It facilitates the development process by showcasing independent UI components with different states, helping developers identify bugs, and document behavior comprehensively. With Storybook, you can seamlessly combine multiple components to build a cohesive app interface.

2. Setting Up Storybook in Your Vite App:

VanSchooten emphasizes the importance of integrating Storybook early in the development process. By adding Storybook to your Vite application, you create a dedicated environment for designing, prototyping, and testing UI components. VanSchooten recommends using @storybook/cli to initiate Storybook effortlessly and suggests configuring it to include all the necessary plugins, addons, and presets.

3. Developing UI Components with Storybook:

Once Storybook is set up, developers can begin building UI components individually within Storybook’s sandboxed environment. VanSchooten advises following a modular approach, where each component is created with a clear interface and a concise set of independent functions. By designing components in isolation, you can ensure their reusability, maintainability, and robustness.

4. Documenting Your Components Effectively:

Documentation is a crucial aspect of any development process, aiding in comprehension, collaboration, and code maintenance. VanSchooten emphasizes the power of Storybook’s documentation capabilities, which allow developers to create accessible and user-friendly documentation alongside their UI components. By leveraging Storybook’s Markdown-based syntax, you can generate comprehensive and visually appealing documentation effortlessly.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance with Storybook:

Storybook not only aids in development and documentation but also provides an ideal environment for testing and quality assurance. VanSchooten shares the significance of writing stories, which are individual test cases for every possible state of a UI component. With the help of Storybook’s integration with testing frameworks such as Jest or React Testing Library, developers can automate the testing process and ensure the stability and reliability of their Vite app.

6. Enhanced Collaboration and Workflow Efficiency:

Storybook facilitates collaboration by serving as a centralized platform for developers, designers, and stakeholders to interact, review, and provide feedback. VanSchooten recommends integrating Storybook with design systems, version control systems, and issue trackers to streamline the development process and enhance team productivity. By minimizing the dependency on backend infrastructure, Storybook enables faster iteration cycles, reducing development time and overall costs.


From his insights shared at ViteConf 2022, Ian VanSchooten highlights the enormous potential offered by Storybook for Vite app development. By adopting Storybook, developers can accelerate development, enhance documentation, automate testing, and enable seamless collaboration. By embracing Storybook’s modular approach, developers can ensure their Vite apps are scalable, reusable, and maintainable. As you embark on your app development journey, consider implementing Storybook to optimize your workflow and create top-notch Vite applications.

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Jim Hinds
8 months ago

Excellent explanation of the motives and solutions. I’m now a believer

Tricia Leach
8 months ago

Thanks for this info! I'm about to try Vite for the first time and top of mind was how Storybook worked with it. Looking forward to trying Storybook 7 as well. I didn't know about the Mirage and MSW Storybook addons, appreciate you showing how you use Mirage.

Alex Machin
8 months ago

I love all the new changes ❤️ especially the no webpack 😉 I would love to sponsor Storybook, Is this currently possible ?

Kasun Peiris
8 months ago

Fast forward to Vite talk ⏭ 15:18

Matias Capeletto
8 months ago

Awesome talk Ian! Great to see Storybook and Vite working seamlessly together!

Ian VanSchooten
8 months ago

Storybook 7.0 is now in a mostly-stable beta release, so give it a try! The commands to run are at the end of the talk. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have about it, I'm happy to discuss!