
ViteConf 2022 featuring David East and Firebase Integration

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Vite + Firebase at ViteConf 2022

Vite + Firebase at ViteConf 2022

ViteConf 2022 is set to be an exciting event for web developers, and one of the keynote speakers will be David East. He will be discussing the integration of Vite and Firebase, two powerful tools for building modern web applications.

What is Vite?

Vite is a build tool that is focused on speed and simplicity. It leverages modern JavaScript features like ES6 modules to provide quick and efficient builds for your web projects. With Vite, you can develop your web application with a lightning-fast development server and build for production with minimal configuration.

What is Firebase?

Firebase is a comprehensive app development platform provided by Google. It includes features such as authentication, real-time database, cloud functions, and hosting. Firebase makes it easy to build and manage web applications with a scalable and reliable infrastructure.

Vite + Firebase Integration

During ViteConf 2022, David East will demonstrate how Vite and Firebase can be seamlessly integrated to create modern web applications. By combining the speed and simplicity of Vite with the powerful features of Firebase, developers can build high-quality web experiences quickly and efficiently.

Key Takeaways

Attendees of ViteConf 2022 can expect to learn about:

  • Using Vite for fast and efficient web development
  • Integrating Firebase for authentication, data storage, and serverless functions
  • Best practices for building modern web applications with Vite and Firebase

If you’re a web developer looking to stay ahead of the curve, ViteConf 2022 is a must-attend event. With speakers like David East discussing the latest tools and technologies, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical knowledge to level up your web development skills.

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6 months ago

amazing! 🧉? love it

6 months ago

Yea. No. That's not how the reality is. So many errors!!!

6 months ago

"FirebaseError: Invalid collection reference. Collection references must have an odd number of segments."

6 months ago


6 months ago

I am trying to deploy one small vite app with 2 functions and it doesn't work for me. I have all the time complains from typescript and eslint… Even cant deploy only the functions … So annoying problems with tsconfig and eslintrc … I've lost all my day. Just continue to do it like 2 separate apps

6 months ago

Hey, I like that it is a shot overview of the things that firebase has to offer, but the peace of the presentation is definitely too fast to even catch up what is going on.

6 months ago

Rollup failed to resolve import "firebase/firestore" from '/watever' <—————–

6 months ago

Initialize Firebase with no options didn't work for me.
Uncaught FirebaseError: Firebase: Need to provide options, when not being deployed to hosting via source. (app/no-options).

6 months ago

vite + firebase + David East is the best combination! 😁

6 months ago

Firebase 🔥

6 months ago

Firebase is amazing !