Vue.js 101: Creating Dynamic and Easily Reusable Components Using Vue.js Properties

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Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. It is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use, making it a great choice for building dynamic and reusable components in your projects. In this tutorial, we will explore how to leverage Vue.js properties to create dynamic and reusable components in your applications.

Vue.js Properties

Vue.js provides several properties that can be used to define the behavior and data of your components. These properties include data, props, computed properties, watchers, and methods. Each property plays a unique role in defining the behavior of your Vue.js components.

  1. Data

The data property is used to define the initial state of a component. It is an object that stores the data that the component needs to render and update. Data properties are reactive, meaning that when they change, the component will automatically update to reflect the changes.

To define the data property of a Vue.js component, you can use a function that returns an object with the initial state of the component. For example:

data() {
  return {
    message: 'Hello, Vue.js!'

In this example, we define a data property called ‘message’ with the initial value ‘Hello, Vue.js!’. This data property can then be accessed in the template of the component using interpolation:

{{ message }}
  1. Props

Props are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component. Props allow you to create reusable components that can be customized based on the data passed to them. Props are defined as an array of strings in the props property of a component, and they can be accessed in the template of the component just like data properties.

To define props in a Vue.js component, you can use the props property and specify the names of the props that the component expects to receive:

props: ['title', 'content']

In this example, we define two props, ‘title’ and ‘content’, that the component expects to receive from its parent component. These props can then be accessed in the template of the component like this:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ content }}</p>
  1. Computed Properties

Computed properties are used to calculate and return derived data based on the data in the component. Computed properties are cached based on their dependencies, meaning that they will only re-evaluate when their dependencies change.

To define computed properties in a Vue.js component, you can use the computed property and specify an object with the computed property names and their corresponding functions:

computed: {
  reversedMessage() {
    return this.message.split('').reverse().join('');

In this example, we define a computed property called ‘reversedMessage’ that calculates the reversed version of the ‘message’ data property. This computed property can then be accessed in the template of the component like this:

<p>{{ reversedMessage }}</p>
  1. Watchers

Watchers are used to perform side effects in response to changes in a component’s data properties. Watchers allow you to react to changes in data properties and perform actions based on those changes.

To define a watcher in a Vue.js component, you can use the watch property and specify the data property you want to watch and a callback function to be executed when the data property changes:

watch: {
  title(newTitle, oldTitle) {
    console.log(`Title changed from ${oldTitle} to ${newTitle}`);

In this example, we define a watcher for the ‘title’ data property that logs a message to the console when the ‘title’ data property changes. Watchers provide a way to respond to changes in data properties and perform side effects based on those changes.

  1. Methods

Methods are used to define functions that can be called in response to user events or any other actions in a Vue.js component. Methods are defined as functions in the methods property of a component, and they can be called in the template of the component using the v-on directive.

To define a method in a Vue.js component, you can use the methods property and define a function that performs the desired action:

methods: {
  greet() {
    alert('Hello, Vue.js!');

In this example, we define a method called ‘greet’ that displays an alert with the message ‘Hello, Vue.js!’ when called. This method can be called in the template of the component using the v-on directive:

<button v-on:click="greet">Greet</button>

Putting it All Together

Now that we have explored the different properties of Vue.js, let’s put it all together by creating a dynamic and reusable component. In this example, we will create a ‘Post’ component that displays a title and content, and allows the user to edit the content.

First, let’s define the ‘Post’ component with props for the title and content, and a data property for the editable content:

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <p v-if="!editing">{{ content }}</p>
    <textarea v-if="editing" v-model="editableContent"></textarea>
    <button v-on:click="toggleEdit">Edit</button>

export default {
  props: ['title', 'content'],
  data() {
    return {
      editing: false,
      editableContent: this.content
  methods: {
    toggleEdit() {
      this.editing = !this.editing;
      if (!this.editing) {
        this.$emit('update-content', this.editableContent);

In this example, we define a ‘Post’ component with props for the title and content, and data properties for ‘editing’ and ‘editableContent’. We also define a method called ‘toggleEdit’ that toggles the editing state and emits an ‘update-content’ event when the user finishes editing the content.

Next, let’s use the ‘Post’ component in a parent component and pass in the title and content props:

    <Post :title="post.title" :content="post.content" v-on:update-content="updateContent" />

import Post from './Post.vue';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      post: {
        title: 'Hello, Vue.js!',
        content: 'This is a post written with Vue.js'
  methods: {
    updateContent(newContent) { = newContent;
  components: {

In this example, we use the ‘Post’ component in a parent component and pass in the title and content props from the parent component’s data. We also define a method called ‘updateContent’ that updates the content of the post when the ‘update-content’ event is emitted from the ‘Post’ component.


In this tutorial, we have explored how to build dynamic and reusable components in Vue.js using properties such as data, props, computed properties, watchers, and methods. By leveraging these properties, you can create powerful and flexible components that can be easily customized and reused in your applications. Vue.js provides a simple and elegant way to build dynamic web applications, and understanding how to use properties effectively is key to maximizing the potential of the framework. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in showing you how to build dynamic and reusable components with Vue.js properties. Happy coding!

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