Vue.js 3 में कम्प्यूटेड प्रॉपर्टीज | करण परगैयेन

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Computed Properties in Vue.js 3

Computed Properties in Vue.js 3

व्यू जेएस 3 में कंप्यूटेड प्रॉपर्टीज

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It provides various features to make development easier and more efficient. One such feature is computed properties, which are a powerful tool for performing complex calculations and data manipulations in a Vue component.

Computed properties in Vue.js are essentially functions that calculate a value based on other data properties. They can be used to create derived data from existing data, and are reactive, meaning they will update whenever the dependent properties change.

Here’s an example of how computed properties can be used in Vue.js 3:

          import { ref, computed } from 'vue';

          export default {
            setup() {
              const count = ref(1);
              const doubleCount = computed(() => count.value * 2);
              return {

In this example, we have a count variable that is a reactive reference to the value 1. We then define a computed property doubleCount that calculates the value of count multiplied by 2. Since doubleCount depends on count, it will automatically update whenever count changes.

Computed properties can also be used to perform more complex calculations and data manipulations. They are particularly useful when you need to display a derived value based on multiple data properties, or when you need to format data in a specific way for display.

Overall, computed properties in Vue.js 3 are a powerful feature that can greatly simplify the process of working with data and performing calculations in Vue components. They provide a clean and efficient way to work with derived data and keep your UI in sync with your application state.

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