Vue.js: Recreating the Worst Volume Controls

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Recreating the Worst Volume Controls in Vue.js

Recreating the Worst Volume Controls in Vue.js

Volume controls are an essential part of any media player, but sometimes they can be frustrating to use. In this article, we’ll explore how to recreate the worst volume controls using Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

Getting Started

First, make sure you have Vue.js installed on your machine. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

      npm install vue

Once you have Vue.js installed, create a new Vue project by running the following commands:

      vue create volume-controls
      cd volume-controls

Creating the Volume Controls

Now that we have our Vue project set up, let’s create the worst volume controls ever. We’ll start by creating a simple slider that represents the volume level. We can use the v-model directive to bind the slider value to a data property in our Vue instance.



With this simple setup, we now have a volume slider that we can use to control the volume level. But let’s make it worse.

Making it Worse

To make our volume controls truly terrible, we can add some obnoxious features. For example, we can make the slider jump around unpredictably, add a delay when adjusting the volume, or even make the slider invisible so users have to guess where it is.

Here’s an example of how we can make the slider jump around:


Now every second, the volume will jump to a random level, making it nearly impossible for users to control it.


While recreating the worst volume controls in Vue.js may not be the most practical exercise, it can be a fun way to experiment with the framework and learn about its features. By creating intentionally terrible user interfaces, we can gain a better understanding of what makes a good user experience and how to avoid common pitfalls in interface design.

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Hossein Panahy
7 months ago

Your quality is awesome

Hossein Panahy
7 months ago

Create more nuxt projects

Twenty One
7 months ago

Amazing video

Umer Farooq
7 months ago

Make more vue projects. Thank You

jos bexerr
7 months ago

excellent tutorial, thanks showing the power of vue