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Vue.js Router: Routing in Single Page Applications

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Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that allows developers to build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. One of the key features of Vue.js is its router, which enables developers to implement routing in single-page applications (SPAs). In this article, we will explore the Vue.js router and discuss how it facilitates routing in SPAs.

What is Routing?

Routing is the process of navigating between different pages or views within a web application. Traditionally, in multi-page applications, each page is loaded from the server when a user clicks on a link or submits a form. However, in SPAs, all the necessary code, resources, and assets are loaded initially, and subsequent navigation happens within the browser itself. This results in faster and more responsive user experiences.

The Vue.js Router:

The Vue.js router is a third-party library that can be installed and configured alongside Vue.js to enable routing in SPAs. It provides a way to define routes and their corresponding components, and also handles navigation between these routes. The router works seamlessly with Vue.js, allowing developers to build complex and dynamic applications.

Setting up the Vue.js Router:

To use the Vue.js router, you need to install it as a dependency in your Vue.js project. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install vue-router

Once installed, you can import the router in your main application file:

import Vue from ‘vue’
import VueRouter from ‘vue-router’


Defining Routes:

After setting up the router, you can define routes using the `VueRouter` instance. A route consists of a path and a component, which will be rendered when the corresponding path is accessed by the user. For example, let’s say we have a simple application with two routes: a home page and an about page. Here’s how you can define these routes:

const routes = [
path: ‘/’,
component: Home
path: ‘/about’,
component: About

In the above example, the `/` path is associated with the `Home` component, while the `/about` path is associated with the `About` component. The `Home` and `About` components can be defined separately as Vue.js single-file components.

Creating the Router:

Once the routes are defined, you need to create an instance of the `VueRouter` and pass in the routes configuration. This instance will act as the application’s router and handle the navigation between routes. Here’s how you can create the router:

const router = new VueRouter({

Mounting the Router:

After creating the router instance, you can mount it to your Vue.js application. This can be done by passing the router instance to the `router` option when creating a new instance of the Vue.js application. Here’s an example:

new Vue({

This will mount the router to the element with the `app` ID in your HTML file.

Navigating Between Routes:

With the router set up, you can now navigate between different routes within your application. The Vue.js router provides several methods and features to facilitate navigation. Here are some examples:

1. Link Component:
The router provides a `router-link` component, which renders an anchor tag with the appropriate href and handles the navigation when clicked. Here’s an example:


In this example, clicking on the link will navigate to the home page.

2. Programmatic Navigation:
You can also navigate programmatically using the `router.push()` method. This method allows you to navigate to a specific route programmatically. Here’s an example:


This will navigate to the `/about` route.

Passing Params and Query Parameters:

In addition to navigating between routes, the Vue.js router allows you to pass parameters and query parameters to your routes. This can be useful when building dynamic applications. Here’s how you can define routes with parameters:

const routes = [
path: ‘/user/:id’,
component: User

In this example, the `:id` parameter in the route path can be accessed in the `User` component using `this.$route.params.id`. You can also pass query parameters to your routes by appending them to the route path:

path: ‘/user’,
query: { id: 123 }

In the `User` component, you can access the query parameters using `this.$route.query.id`.


The Vue.js router is an essential tool for implementing routing in single-page applications. It simplifies the process of defining routes, navigating between them, and passing parameters. By leveraging the Vue.js router, developers can build dynamic and interactive applications with seamless navigation. With this in-depth understanding of the Vue.js router, you can now take advantage of its features to create powerful web applications.