Vue.js Tanstack Table

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Tanstack Table for Vue.js

Tanstack Table for Vue.js

Tanstack Table is a lightweight and flexible table component for Vue.js, designed to make it easy to display data in a tabular format. It offers a clean and customizable design, with options for sorting, pagination, filtering, and more.

With Tanstack Table, you can easily create responsive tables that look great on all devices. It also comes with built-in features for handling large datasets efficiently and smoothly updating the table as data changes.

Features of Tanstack Table:

  • Sortable columns
  • Pagination
  • Filtering
  • Responsive design
  • Handling large datasets
  • Customizable styling

How to use Tanstack Table:

To use Tanstack Table in your Vue.js project, you first need to install the package via npm or yarn. You can then import the component and pass in your data as props to display it in the table.

            // Install Tanstack Table
            npm install tanstack-table

            // Import and use the component in your Vue file
                <TanstackTable :data="tableData" :columns="tableColumns" />

                import TanstackTable from 'tanstack-table';

                export default {
                    data() {
                        return {
                            tableData: [...], // Array of objects representing the table data
                            tableColumns: [...] // Array of objects defining the table columns
                    components: {

With Tanstack Table, you can easily create dynamic and interactive tables in your Vue.js applications. Its intuitive API and customizable options make it a great choice for displaying data in a user-friendly way.

Visit the official Tanstack Table documentation for more information and examples on how to use the component in your projects.

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2 months ago

nicely done.

2 months ago

Very useful video, thanks!

2 months ago

Great video! Any idea on when you'll do a tutorial on server side pagination and filtering/sorting?

2 months ago

This is very informative, thank you for this tutorial.

Looking forward to the server side setup tutorial

2 months ago

hi good video, i implemented this and added a delete button instead of edit as an action. But the table doesnt refresh the data how can i make it refresh the data inside the table?

2 months ago

Great video! I was having no fun sifting through the Tanstack documentation.. very helpful, thanks

2 months ago

I tried setting this up … the example given for expand for react js ijntheir homepage …like to show multilevel data or tree structure does not seem to be available for vue Js … can u pls confirm if that can be implemented with vue js .

2 months ago

if i want to add a css class to the deffinition of de columns for example, to apply in the header , lets say 'text-right', how do you do it?

2 months ago

loved the tutorial, gonna implement this on my project rn!!

2 months ago

Hello Sir, How can I get auto-update data in the table when data changes? Great video! (Sorry, for my bad English )

2 months ago

Thanks for the tutorial…

2 months ago

How can I global filter with multi value?

2 months ago

does it support vue 2 ..?

2 months ago

Thanks man 👍

2 months ago

+1 for not using JSX 😄

2 months ago

im glad that you are back ♥

2 months ago

I have a request server pagination, sorting, and filter. Thanks

2 months ago

Cool package 😍

2 months ago

Can you please make a tutorial for beginners website design with Vue js