Vue.js: Understanding the distinction between ‘created’ and ‘mounted’ events

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When working with Vue.js, it’s important to understand the difference between the created and mounted events. These events are part of the Vue lifecycle and play a crucial role in manipulating and interacting with your Vue components. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between the created and mounted events in Vue.js and how they can be used in your Vue applications.

  1. Created Event:

The created event is one of the earliest lifecycle hooks in a Vue component. It is triggered when a Vue instance is initialized, and the component is created but has not yet been mounted to the DOM. This event is often used to perform initial setup tasks such as initializing data, setting up event listeners, and making API calls.

Here is an example of using the created event in a Vue component:

export default {
  created() {
    console.log('Component created!');
    // Perform initial setup tasks here

In the created event, you have access to the component’s data, but the DOM elements have not been rendered yet. This means that you cannot manipulate or access any DOM elements in the created event. If you need to access or manipulate DOM elements, you should use the mounted event instead.

  1. Mounted Event:

The mounted event is triggered when the Vue component has been mounted to the DOM. This is the point at which the component’s template has been rendered, and you can access and manipulate DOM elements in the component. The mounted event is often used to perform tasks that require access to the DOM, such as initializing third-party libraries, setting up animations, and interacting with DOM elements.

Here is an example of using the mounted event in a Vue component:

export default {
  mounted() {
    console.log('Component mounted!');
    // Access and manipulate DOM elements here

In the mounted event, you can access and interact with DOM elements using methods like querySelector or jQuery. You can also initialize third-party libraries or perform any necessary setup tasks that require access to the DOM.

In conclusion, the created event is triggered when a Vue component is created and initialized, whereas the mounted event is triggered when the component is mounted to the DOM and the template has been rendered. Use the created event for initial setup tasks and the mounted event for tasks that require access to the DOM. Understanding the differences between these two events will help you effectively manage the lifecycle of your Vue components and improve the overall performance and user experience of your Vue applications.

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