Vue: The Future of Vapor

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Vapor: The Future Of Vue

Welcome to the Future of Vue

Vue is a popular JavaScript framework that has gained a lot of traction in recent years. It offers a simple and easy-to-use syntax, making it a favorite among developers. But with the release of Vapor, the future of Vue is looking even brighter.

What is Vapor?

Vapor is a new feature-packed version of Vue that aims to make development even easier and more efficient. It offers built-in support for state management, server-side rendering, and routing, among other features. With Vapor, developers can create powerful and complex web applications with ease.

Why Choose Vapor?

There are many reasons why developers should consider using Vapor for their next project. The built-in support for state management means that developers no longer have to rely on external libraries or plugins to manage the state of their applications. Server-side rendering allows for faster load times and better SEO, while the built-in routing system makes it easy to create complex navigation structures.

Getting Started with Vapor

Getting started with Vapor is easy. Simply install the Vue CLI and create a new project using the Vapor template. From there, you can start building your application using the powerful features that Vapor has to offer.


Vapor is the future of Vue, offering developers a simpler and more efficient way to build web applications. With its built-in features and easy-to-use syntax, Vapor is sure to become a favorite among developers in the coming years. So why wait? Start using Vapor today and see for yourself the power and potential of this amazing framework!

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1 month ago

Hey Theo, thanks for the shoutout (and a pleasant surprise to see Vue content here).
Small corrections:
1. As many have pointed out around 3:20 – even in the current Virtual-DOM-based render mode, Vue doesn't need explicit memo to skip child component updates. This is because child components will track their own dependencies and only update if parent props have changed.
2. Near the end about Vapor SSR codegen – it is actually a playground bug that it is showing Vapor code in the SSR tab. Vapor doesn't change how Vue components are compiled for SSR, and the current SSR compilation output is performant by turning templates into string concatenations and buffer pushes as much as possible. In the browser, Vapor runtime will be able to hydrate from the same SSR output like we currently have.

1 month ago

Does anyone cares for the future of Vue?!

1 month ago

which app is that @1:07

1 month ago

This is roughly how everything worked on jQuery

1 month ago

Another useless vue technology that gets in the way of fast and effifcient vevelopment. Vue started as promising tech, nuw is just another playfield of weird creators bored to death, determined to make our life harder

1 month ago

Finally, someone mentions Vue! React is so overhyped it makes me physically ill.

1 month ago

Vapor would make you lose your Vue

1 month ago

One major annoyance I've had with working with semi-large vue codebase over a longer period of time is the development and co-existence of both options api and composition api. With the major version update 3, composition api became the more like the norm and new LSP (volar) was made. Now, if you have a vue 3 project with lots of options api upgraded from vue 2, you're gonna have lots of LSP and typescript issues to deal with because Volar doesn't support options API that well and the old one, vetur, doesn't support vue 3 that well. LSP will fail you a lot of times and make your life harder if you're working in a project like this; multiple libraries, typescript/javascript hybrid, existed since vue 2 and became a options api/composition api typescript/javascript hybrid. You're not gonna feel like vue is a dance on roses all the time, you're going to be annoyed.

Did I mention Vuex magic strings? Getting types from vuex state/getters mapped to component state?

That said, if you start a completely new project now and use the latest tools, I'm sure you will have a better experience. Pretty much all annoyances I have are fixed if you use vue 3 composition api with typescript and pinia(instead of vuex) from the get-go. I just hope this generation of tools and language syntax will last longer for vue 3, and if they need change, that it will be less painful to deal with the upgrades that happen over time.

I should mention that I really like Vue and I think it gives you the power to make complex frontends with well structured and easily readable code. Overall, it's really easy to get things done with it. (It's also really easy to do things you shouldn't, but I need to end this rant now.)

1 month ago

so is vapor gonna replace nuxt? I really don’t like nuxt 😂.

1 month ago

Vue is superior in every measurable way, except market share.

I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

1 month ago

7:31 -> sorry but solid is using compiler. That's why it is so fast because it already know what will update in your app.

From solid tutorial:

"A Solid App is composed of functions that we call components. Take a look at the HelloWorld function on the right: it directly returns a div! This mix of HTML and JavaScript is called JSX. Solid ships with a compiler that turns these tags into DOM nodes later on."

1 month ago

Vanilla js input=heading woukd be like 3lines?
Bloatware makes me vomit

1 month ago


1 month ago

Bla bla bla … couldn't care less.

1 month ago

This is the most excited I've been for Vaporware since Duke Nukem Forever.
Thankfully, no matter how it turns out, it will surely be better by comparison.

1 month ago

Sorry this might be a frequently asked question but what's the name of the note/schema app you're using?

1 month ago

This video needs a redo with more research info about Vue

1 month ago

Vue is rock!

1 month ago

so its moving from interpretation to compilation?=

1 month ago

Great video , now I atleast know what compiler means in context of JS frameworks, and push and subscribe architectural way for components. (VUE is getting much better)