
Vue32 Admin Tool: Using API POST to Configure Settings with JSON (Video 18)

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Video 18 – API POST SETTINGS JSON Vue32 Admin Tool ✅

Video 18 – API POST SETTINGS JSON Vue32 Admin Tool ✅

In this video, we are going to learn how to use API to post settings in JSON format using the Vue32 Admin Tool. The Vue32 Admin Tool is a powerful tool that allows you to manage and configure settings for your Vue32 device.

To get started, you will need to have your Vue32 device connected to your computer and have the Vue32 Admin Tool installed. Once everything is set up, you can start by opening the Vue32 Admin Tool and navigating to the settings page.

From there, you can access the API section and start creating a new POST request. You will need to provide the endpoint URL for the settings API and specify that you want to use JSON format for the data. This will allow you to send the settings in a structured and easy-to-read format.

Next, you can start adding the settings that you want to post in the JSON format. For example, if you want to update the network settings for your Vue32 device, you can include the following JSON data:

  "network": {
    "ssid": "MyWifiNetwork",
    "password": "MyWifiPassword"

Once you have added all the settings that you want to post, you can send the POST request and the Vue32 Admin Tool will handle the rest. It will process the settings and update the device accordingly.

Using the API to post settings in JSON format allows you to easily manage and update the configuration of your Vue32 device. It provides a flexible and efficient way to make changes and adjustments without having to manually input each setting one by one.

Overall, the ability to use API to post settings in JSON format with the Vue32 Admin Tool can greatly simplify the process of managing your device’s configuration. It provides a streamlined and organized approach to updating settings and ensures that everything is handled in a structured and efficient manner.

So, if you want to learn more about how to use API to post settings in JSON format with the Vue32 Admin Tool, be sure to check out the video and start taking advantage of this powerful feature today!