Warning: Flask’s development server should not be used in a production environment

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Flask at first run

Flask at First Run

When you first run Flask, it’s important to remember that you should not use the development server in a production environment. The development server is great for testing and debugging, but it is not secure or reliable enough to handle a live website.

Flask provides a simple way to create web applications using Python. It’s lightweight and easy to use, making it a popular choice for many developers. However, when you’re ready to deploy your Flask application, you’ll need to set it up properly for a production environment.

One of the most important things to remember is that the Flask development server is not suitable for a production environment. It’s not designed to handle a high volume of traffic or to be secure against attacks. Instead, you should use a production-ready server like Gunicorn or uWSGI.

By using a proper server setup, you can ensure that your Flask application is secure, stable, and able to handle the demands of a production environment. It’s also a good idea to set up a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache to handle incoming requests and serve static files efficiently.

So, when you first run Flask, make sure you’re using the development server for testing purposes only. When you’re ready to deploy your application, take the necessary steps to set it up properly for a production environment to ensure its security and stability.