Ways to make contributions to PyTorch

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How to contribute to PyTorch

How to contribute to PyTorch

PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library that is widely used by developers and researchers for building deep learning models. Contributing to PyTorch is a great way to give back to the community and help improve the library for everyone. Here are some ways you can contribute to PyTorch:

1. Report bugs

If you come across any bugs or issues while using PyTorch, you can report them on the PyTorch GitHub repository. Make sure to provide detailed information about the bug, including steps to reproduce it and any error messages you encounter. This will help the developers identify and fix the issue quickly.

2. Contribute code

If you have coding skills, you can contribute to PyTorch by submitting code changes or enhancements. You can fork the PyTorch repository on GitHub, make your changes, and then submit a pull request for review. Make sure to follow the coding standards and guidelines provided by the PyTorch project to ensure that your contribution is accepted.

3. Write documentation

Good documentation is essential for helping users understand how to use PyTorch effectively. If you have a good understanding of the library, you can contribute by improving the existing documentation or adding new documentation for features that are not well-documented. This will help make PyTorch more accessible to users at all levels of experience.

4. Answer questions

If you are knowledgeable about PyTorch, you can help other users by answering questions on forums, mailing lists, or social media platforms. Sharing your expertise and helping others troubleshoot issues will contribute to a more supportive and collaborative PyTorch community.

5. Attend events

PyTorch hosts events like hackathons, conferences, and workshops where you can meet other developers and contribute to the library in person. By participating in these events, you can collaborate with other contributors, learn from experts, and help shape the future of PyTorch.


Contributing to PyTorch is a rewarding experience that allows you to make a positive impact on the machine learning community. Whether you are reporting bugs, writing code, improving documentation, answering questions, or attending events, your contributions will help make PyTorch a better library for everyone.

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1 month ago

can you link your github profile in the description?

1 month ago

Thanks for answering the questions, and making the video available.