“We are seeing the start of the downfall,” says Ilan Pappe about Israel

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Ilan Pappe, the renowned Israeli historian and social activist, has long been a vocal critic of his own country’s policies towards the Palestinians. In a recent interview, he made a bold statement that sent shockwaves through the international community: “We are witnessing the beginning of the end.”

Pappe’s words carry weight not just because of his academic credentials, but also because of his personal history. Born in Haifa to a German-Jewish family, he grew up in the shadow of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His own experiences and research have led him to see the current situation as unsustainable.

Pappe’s main criticism is of the occupation and settlement policies pursued by the Israeli government. He argues that these actions are not only a violation of international law, but also a severe injustice to the Palestinian people. He points to the continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank as evidence that the government has no intention of allowing a viable Palestinian state to exist.

In addition to the physical occupation of Palestinian land, Pappe also denounces the discriminatory policies within Israel itself. He has decried the approximately 20% of Israeli citizens who are Palestinian as second-class citizens, subject to institutionalized discrimination and prejudice.

Pappe’s prognosis of “the beginning of the end” is a bleak one, but it is not without hope. He believes that the international community is slowly waking up to the reality of the situation, and that there is a growing movement in support of Palestinian rights. He sees the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement as a key part of this, urging individuals and countries to use their economic power to pressure Israel to change its policies.

While Pappe’s views are controversial and have garnered much criticism from within Israel, they have also gained him a following of like-minded individuals around the world. His commitment to justice and his unwavering stance against oppression have made him a figurehead for the Palestinian cause.

Whether or not Pappe’s prediction of “the beginning of the end” proves true, his impact on the discourse around Israel and Palestine cannot be denied. He continues to be a voice for those who are often silenced, and a reminder that the pursuit of justice is a universal endeavor.

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6 months ago

It’s written in the stars that the Zionist Israeli project will cease to exist eventually. The apartheid policies and the hate against Arabs are not sustainable if you live in an Arab environment. The Israelis will lose all the support eventually and they will keep fighting for survival but it will not survive. Israel will fall, it will fall very hard.

6 months ago

Israel is a "state of mind"!!

6 months ago

Please leave the muslims and muslim lovers in this site to bark freely. Israel will not disappear. These people is jealous that Israel was stablished in an empty land and turned the land in an amazing country on the other hand palestinians still living like 500 years ago – in all these 500 years what they learned was to hate jews. You muslims have your mouth full of Allah/God. Do you think that God will hear the prayers of such ignorant and full of hate people?

6 months ago

Zionism [the endless quest for territory and dispossession of Palestinians] was an experiment started around 1948. 75 years later and Israel is further from peace than ever. As Ilan Pappe says: the experiment has failed – taking with it many thousands of lives, Palestinian and Jewish alike – and leaving millions of refugees scattered hopelessly around the Middle East. For the USA, Israel is an invaluable client state in a part of the world not noted for its pro-Western politics, important for oil and proximity to the Suez Canal. So the Yanks need the Zionists and vice versa. But if and when the USA decides that Israel has become a failed state [which could be sooner rather than later] and pulls the financial and military plug, then Ilan Pappe's prediction will no doubt come true.
From the river to the sea…!

6 months ago

It would be refreshing for Jew haters like this guy to just skip the psychobabble and admit they hate Jews. The blah blah blah little Fascists like this always spew becomes very boring after a time.

6 months ago

Ilan Are we losing? 75 years ago you and your Arab breatherean was saying Israel will last 6 months. Look at the history every time your Arab breatheren attacked us they were beaten very very badly. This time will be no less. And you and we are here . Time will show us who is right and who wrong.. Hey USA withdraw from Afganistan. We are 75 years on this land.
After any attack we get much stronger than before.
How many times are we going to prove that this land belongs to Jews?

6 months ago

I want this genius to tell us where they are all supposed to go

6 months ago

If Zionists elite would only stop trying to rule the world and just live in peace.

6 months ago

the difference between Israel and other settler colonial projects is there is not a disproportionate majority opposing the colonialists

6 months ago

It's boring no one cares.

6 months ago

The good Prof should know n he DOES KNOW . Thank you Sir👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💕❤️

6 months ago

This man is just another failed Israeli academic: he's an Israeli historian who knows nothing about Israel, nothing about the Arab – Israel conflict, and nothing about Judaism. When he wakes up from his(wet) dream of seeing Israel wiped from the map, mommy will be ready with warm milk and cookies for him. Who cares what he thinks. He has no power. He's just another academic with an opinion. And opinions are likeazw0les—everybody has one.

6 months ago

There are no chosen people

6 months ago

As a human being one cannot help but look at the whole picture with sorrow, distaste and sadness……How convenient, that October 7th gives Israel the green light to get their hands on land, gas and oil in Gaza and the occupied regions through ethnic cleansing and genocide, with its mass weaponry arsenal and intelligence, it begs the question as to who had the most to gain from October 7th ? The foul smell of an orchestrated attack that helps yield the most land and resources through GENOCIDE is all over this.

The Israeli government’s psychopathic blood thirsty nature and wild army are a danger to their own people ( many of whom are being lied to and do not understand what is going on in reality )and a great danger to the wider world and it must be stopped. Peace must be achieved, through justice.
The main stream media are absolutely full of untruths, bias, lies upon lies of guttered journalism we can take Iraq and Afghanistan as just a tiny example. What the world is witnessing are mass Muslim Massacres for which their has not been any justice. The terrorist state of Israel is considered the poor victim and the democratically elected, resistance movement, the Hamas government are considered to be the terrorists. (It brings into question whether democracy actually works?)
Nothing could be further from the truth. Calling Hamas the terrorists instead of a resistance movement, by western leaders and ‘journalists’ is ‘legitimising ‘ state sponsored terrorism by one of the most powerful armies and intelligence agents in the world. Most of the entire world can see this except the pro Zionist, pro colonial Western leaders and ‘journalists’.

Changing your moral compass according to whom you are dealing with does not make for a good leader or journalist and does not in the slightest make any room for peace possible. Peace and justice are for all human beings and nearly the entire world is calling for peace and justice.

6 months ago

I would like to mention millions of people live both in Palestine and Israel. People need help making peace and all spectators are fueling conflict. 2 million displaced gazans 500,000 displaced Israelis. Ita nonsense. People need help to learn mercy and compassion. These people share a history and can bring redemption to the region and world. Imagine womens rights sweeping across mena as in Israel or Palestinian children not having to be taught martyrdom is the highest aspirations because they can get normal education within the region instead of having to go to America or the UK .

6 months ago

yeah talk talk ahaha you don’t get rid of terrorist by talking ,
you better read the history before spitting sentences

6 months ago

Thank you Mr. Professor Pepe, You are a true jew and the true voice of the humanity and the opressed Palestinian people. 👏👍🙏💪

6 months ago

Yes, American’s weapons and the lives of the Israeli. We in the free world thank them for such enormous sacrifices! This is not about the Palestinians people but Hamas. Many people especially those in this channel want Hamas to survive so that their ideology can be fulfill one day. Another word the motivation is antisemitism rather than a genuine concern for the Palestinian people! Why? If they are really concerned about Palestinian people then they will acknowledge that the terrorists organization Hamas is the cause of this war and it must be dismantled for a permanent ceasefire.

“Muslim reveals the truth”

“Voice from Gaza”

“Lucy Aharish, the first Muslim Arabic TV presenter and Israeli tv anchor, gives a powerful monologue”

“Hamas leaders seen as living in luxury while Gazans suffer”

“Hypocrisy of Hamas: "Gazans Can't Leave" But Leaders are Abroad”:

The genocidal charter of Hamas:

“The Child-Martyrdom cult of the Palestinian Authority”:

They built tunnels but not a single bomb shelter:

6 months ago

failed project my ass

6 months ago

Blablabla blablabla…. I stand with Israël with pride…🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱