West Africa: Is a New Coup Attempt Underway? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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Recent events in West Africa have once again brought the region into the international spotlight, with what appears to be another attempted coup in the small West African nation of Guinea-Bissau.

This latest incident comes just months after the military takeover in neighboring Mali, when mutinous soldiers overthrew President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita in August. The coup in Guinea-Bissau adds to growing concerns about the stability and security of the region.

On October 28, reports emerged that a group of soldiers had attempted to seize power in Guinea-Bissau, a country that has a history of military coups and political instability. The government accused the soldiers of trying to overthrow the country’s leadership and destabilize the nation.

These events have raised questions about the political situation in West Africa, where coups and military takeovers have not been uncommon. The region has seen a number of military coups and political turmoil over the years, leading to instability, economic hardship, and conflicts.

The international community has responded with concern, calling on the military and political leaders in Guinea-Bissau to engage in dialogue and resolve their differences through peaceful means. The African Union, the United Nations, and other regional and international organizations have all expressed their support for the rule of law and democratic governance in the country.

The recent attempted coup in Guinea-Bissau also highlights the complex challenges facing the region, including political instability, weak governance, and the presence of armed groups and militias. These factors have contributed to the ongoing fragility and vulnerability of many West African states, making them susceptible to instability and conflict.

In response to the latest developments, it is important for the international community to support efforts to strengthen democratic institutions, promote the rule of law, and address the root causes of instability in the region. This includes working with governments and civil society to build strong and accountable institutions, fight corruption, and promote inclusive and participatory governance.

It is also crucial to address the socio-economic and development challenges facing the region, including poverty, inequality, and lack of access to basic services. These issues are often at the heart of conflicts and instability, and must be addressed to ensure long-term stability and prosperity in West Africa.

The recent events in Guinea-Bissau are a reminder of the fragility and vulnerability of many West African states, and the need for sustained international support and engagement to address the root causes of instability and promote peace and development in the region. The international community must continue to work with governments and local actors to build strong and accountable institutions, address socio-economic and development challenges, and promote inclusive and participatory governance in West Africa.

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6 months ago

You while people are our problem how can you talk about electron results not ligar are you crazy the results were ligar no cause to complain the results were inligar in 2012 there was no cause to complain it was accepted for peace to regin Maada Bio accepted the result even it was inligar but he is a piece loving person he love his country and his people but this God forsaken apc are course chicken no body love them because of there ungodly attitude they're blood suckers they will never rule us again

6 months ago


6 months ago

Lie Lie president

6 months ago

The gross irresponsibility of the political class in most African countries is what is driving this trend of military incursions into civil governance and spreading insecurity. The people are fed up but can not effect needed change through the electoral system which is largely skewed to enthrone incompetent and mediocre leaders. So, any alternative means to get rid of the bad politicians may get the support of the people.

6 months ago

Thank you

6 months ago

This entire report is false and this evident by misrepresentation and falsely translating the words of the people interviewed. E g go to 1:30 the man stated info about bullets and empty shell but the you heard nothing about bullets or empty shells. All you hear is a narative being pushed by the media/west… Shame on you and shame on us who are blinded by our baises!!

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

As Nigerian, I plead to the people of sierra Leon , please avoid war or any arms conflict. I was in your country during the civil war. I fought in Wilberforce, kissi road. Ferry junction, Lumley, Eastern police, Congo cross, Sani Abacha street, And finally was talking to Kabasa lodge. Duya Le we no get. Thanks.

6 months ago

we will not have this kind of peace in another man 's country..

6 months ago


6 months ago

@Palki, your interpreter is grossly misleading and deceiving your viewers. None of what he "translated" is even close to what those 2 gentlemen said.

He literally just read or narrated his own crafted script. What a disgrace!

This is a gross violation of journalistic ethics and standards.

I urge you to kindly investigate this deceptive behavior. Otherwise, gradually, perhaps, your show loses credibility for being one of accuracy and high level of integrity.

6 months ago

Bullshit translator, pushing propaganda. Get a different translator

6 months ago

Until Mother Alkebulan aka Africa is free, there will be attempts to overrthrow the puppets of the Western nations. An African American perspective. More is coming your way!!!

6 months ago

We don't want war, leave us alone.

6 months ago

Streams of joy

6 months ago

Big lier

6 months ago

The places they named as "coups" are all the locations where the revolutions took place. Guinea is turning out to be a fake one, but still. They didn't name Gabon or the other obvious Western backed coups, which are real coups. The bootlicking and propaganda for them folks is strong on this one.

6 months ago

We know who's behind this

6 months ago

What minerals are found in that country,thats where the problem is.