Western assistance for Ukraine counteroffensive was provided incrementally and belatedly, according to France 24.

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Western support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive “came in salami-sliced and too late,” according to a report by FRANCE 24. The Ukrainian government has been fighting against Russian-backed separatists in the eastern part of the country for years, and the recent counteroffensive was a critical moment in the ongoing conflict.

The report highlights that while the West did provide support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive, it was not enough and it came too late. The report indicates that the support from Western countries was provided in small, incremental amounts, rather than in a comprehensive and timely manner. This approach ultimately hindered Ukraine’s ability to effectively push back against the separatist forces.

The lack of timely and substantial support from the West has been a point of contention for many observers of the conflict. Ukraine has long sought increased military assistance from Western countries to help bolster its fight against the separatists, as well as to deter further aggression from Russia. However, the slow and limited support provided by the West has left many Ukrainians feeling frustrated and abandoned.

The report goes on to underscore the strategic implications of the Western support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive. By providing only piecemeal assistance, the West may have inadvertently prolonged the conflict and allowed the separatists to maintain their hold on certain territories. This, in turn, could embolden Russia to continue its intervention in Ukraine and potentially expand its influence in the region.

The criticism of the Western support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive raises important questions about the broader geopolitical dynamics at play in the conflict. It also underscores the complex and delicate nature of the relationships between Ukraine, Russia, and Western powers.

Moving forward, it is clear that the issue of Western support for Ukraine will remain a topic of debate and scrutiny. As the conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, it is essential for Western countries to reevaluate their approach to providing assistance to the Ukrainian government. A more cohesive and robust strategy is needed to effectively support Ukraine’s efforts to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In conclusion, the report by FRANCE 24 sheds light on the shortcomings of Western support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive. The slow and incremental nature of the assistance provided by the West has hindered Ukraine’s ability to push back against the separatist forces. As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is crucial for Western countries to reassess their approach and provide more comprehensive and timely support to the Ukrainian government. This will not only aid Ukraine in its fight against the separatists but also send a clear message to Russia about the West’s commitment to upholding the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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8 months ago

To give Ukraine air superiority would cost trillions…

8 months ago

Counteroffensive plans were leaked! A year of detailed planning and training were blown! Why does no one mention that!

8 months ago

Moral of the story, imagine two people who have nothing, you decide to give one of them support, you buy him good tools, work clothing, give him a truck and say: now you are professional builder, but hes don't have a clue how to use everything, don't have a good bussines plan, and skills, meanwhile other guy who has skills save some money and buy basic tools and start working, learning and going up.

8 months ago

Don't forget NATO and his alliance they're buch of terrorists cobardes

8 months ago

Ukraine just got another $200M on this trip from the US. Congress is about to approve another $300M in the defense bill. Sort of hard to call them victims.

8 months ago

No more American taxpayers money for Ukraine and comrade Democrats taxpayers money laundering scam and it's not our war and Democrats are letting the USA be invaded and not protect the American taxpayers or our borders. So f Ukraine borders we American citizens want our borders protected and not pay for other countries borders

8 months ago

Accurate statement

8 months ago

Get Dr Marina Miron of Kings College London on again. She is brillant and whats more truthful !

8 months ago

Russia has badly misjudged the West's intent and power. Their drive to dominate, crush and eliminate a diminished power.
1. Since its "victory" in the Cold War, the West has decided to pursue a policy of unremitting hostility against Russia. Preferring to thrust dependent weak leaders on the inside. And from the outside, advancing the worlds most powerful military alliance to Russia's borders. Not Warsaw Pact borders.. not even erstwhile Soviet Union borders. But right onto Russia. The alliance gets into geographies where it can locate nuclear missiles 2 minutes away from Moscow !
2. And the West is immensely Mighty and Powerful. Militarily and Economically.
3. Putin has misestimated the West. He should have caved in as Ukraine was being NATOfied. By standing up for Russian sovereignty he has put himself in the crosshairs and the West will not rest till it has disposed him off. Like Iraq and Libya, Russia is sitting on huge amount of Oil Gas and other minerals. Putin should remember what happened to Saddam and Gaddafi for standing up to Western encroachments.. Putin should have shown a spirit of submission and spineless humility and he could have ruled for as long as he liked.
Putin is a dead man walking. He has no idea how strong the West is. The Economic Sanctions War which the West has unilaterally unleashed on Russia is huge and is already crushing it… And this is even without the Western military entering the ring. In a formal manner. The West is adamant that Russian servility must be crafted and ensured at any cost. And without a doubt, that is what is going to happen.

8 months ago

NATO needs to supply greater winter warfare equipment and greater river crossing equipment and Bridging assistance.

8 months ago

Looks like bunch of fathers trying to avoid paying child support

8 months ago

According to Patrick Bury, the West cannot lose the war in Ukraine and expect to maintain its global position, and this will involve preparing for another counter-offensive, this time with air superiority.

If it does lose the war, "all bets are off" – by which he means that the West's official enemies (Russia, China, Iran) will be emboldened, but also many other actors will feel they can challenge the West "as we're seeing in West Africa".

So, let's take a moment to remind ourselves of the liberal picture of international society.

This says that states are free, sovereign entities able to enter into whatever diplomatic arrangements they wish, free of coercion. So why would a good liberal like Mr Bury believe that regime change in Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone constitutes a "challenge" to the West.

The answer must be that West Africa is in some way within the power of the West. And, if we look closer, we will see French and American military bases, the curious status of the CFA franc*, the levels of debt, the pattern of investment, aid and political donations, the influence of the IMF and World Bank on states' internal policies, and so on.

So, as Mr Bury's casual remark reveals, the liberal picture has little to do with the reality of state practice. Returning to Ukraine, we can see that what's at stake for the West is the avoidance of the reputational damage, which would damage its ability to coerce non-Western states into following policies that are beneficial to it.

In other words, what the West – by which we mean the US and its security dependencies – is fighting for in Ukraine is its global hegemony (ie "the rules-based international order").

Unfortunately, to be able to do this would entail massive investment in the West's industrial base, in order to produce the weapons and munitions that would be needed for a second Ukrainian offensive, not to mention enough fighters to destroy Russian air defences. At this stage in Western decline, it's hard to see the political system mustering the leadership for to put such a programme into action, or the financial and industrial sectors responding if it did – for one thing, what happens if billions are invested in factories to produce 155mm artillery shells, and they come on line just as Ukraine signs the articles of surrender?

* Concern about the use of the monetary zone and France’s role in it has always existed, but tensions have been rising. In 2017, the NGO SOS Pan-Africa led several protests against the CFA franc in African and European cities. The organization later announced a boycott of French goods as a symbol of pan-Africanism. That same year, a video of Franco-Beninese activist Kemi Seba burning a 5,000 CFA franc banknote led to substantial media uproar. Another anti-CFA activist, Boris Aké, said that: “We must do all it takes to ensure that the CFA is abolished forever.”

8 months ago

Ukraine is looting as much money as they can in name of PUTIN and playing victim card very hard

8 months ago

sure, in reality i doubt the ukrainian soldiers were so keen to lose their lives fighting over ethnic russian land

8 months ago

Putin vs NATO/US

8 months ago

Stupied proxy war. US WANTED this war to happen

8 months ago

Ukraine got 240 Billion for War. And wants 500 Billion more. Stop Zelensky War. Our Money is Wasted.

8 months ago

Zelensky will be the only person in the world who begs for money to fund a WAR…

8 months ago

When war start western warmongers was saying Russia will not sustain war for more than one year because of sanctions, but now it's two years western world of 30allies are not sustaining the support for Ukraine NATO is a scam learn to live well with your neighbours.Hope Taiwan are watching this.

8 months ago

They are avoiding to say the truth ; UKRAINE HAS NO MORE MANPOWER to fight against Russia after more than 700 K Ukrainian soldiers have been either killed or permanently wounded !!!! Even if they get billions of $ in aid , military equipment and ammo, UKRAINE will still lose because of thousands and thousands of KIA soldiers !!! Weapons themselves can't fight !!!!