What Does Depth Of Field Mean?

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What’s The Deal With Depth Of Field

Depth of Field, or DOF, is a term used in photography and cinematography to describe the range of distances within an image that are in focus. In simpler terms, it refers to how much of the image is sharp and in focus versus blurry or out of focus.

Depth of Field is controlled by several factors, including the aperture setting, the distance between the camera and the subject, and the focal length of the lens. A larger aperture (a lower f-stop number) will result in a shallower Depth of Field, with only a small portion of the image in focus. Conversely, a smaller aperture (a higher f-stop number) will result in a deeper Depth of Field, with more of the image in focus.

In addition to the aperture setting, the distance between the camera and the subject also plays a role in determining Depth of Field. The closer the subject is to the camera, the shallower the Depth of Field will be. This is why portrait photographers often use a shallow Depth of Field to isolate the subject from the background and create a sense of intimacy.

Depth of Field can also be used creatively to draw the viewer’s eye to a specific part of the image. By using a shallow Depth of Field, photographers can blur out distracting background elements and highlight the main subject. On the other hand, a deep Depth of Field can be used to capture landscapes or cityscapes in crisp detail from foreground to background.

Mastering Depth of Field is an important skill for photographers and cinematographers, as it allows them to control the visual impact of their images and create a sense of depth and dimension. Understanding how aperture, distance, and focal length affect Depth of Field can help photographers achieve the desired look and communicate their artistic vision effectively.

So next time you’re out shooting photos or videos, consider playing around with Depth of Field to see how it can enhance your imagery and tell a compelling story.

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3 months ago

No it's not
Fuck you
Your opinion is wrong
Depth of field sucks in every game
Go get blinded by bloom

3 months ago

12:11 so… 'Rola' in my language is slang for "Penis". That caught me very off guard.
Also "Acerola" is a fruit name here.

Nice video tho.

3 months ago

11:56 As someone from Karis, Finland, uhh… what a coincidence?? I'm probably the only person in Karis who knows about the Karis average now.

3 months ago

I loathe depth of field outside of cinematics. Primarily due to poor usage to be fair.

3 months ago

Videos on April 1st be like

3 months ago

brb going to apply these with a depth camera IRL to get insane photos without spending thousands of dollars on lenses. real life depthbuffer FTW

3 months ago

You developed a completely new method? Why didn’t you name it!

3 months ago

nah that’s a word from a valve game 1:22

3 months ago

Oh, and also cinema and photo is a passive experience while videogame is active. You people don't understand basic things that are beyond your very narrow field of view. And thanks to you I can't even see things in games I play.

3 months ago

Photography is not realistic. My eyes are. And every time I look at DoF-riddled imagery I get a headache because in real world I got used to being able to focus on things. So the deal is the same as with the ASMR fetishists – they're lucky I can't smack them in the face for exhibitionism of their disgusting activities.

3 months ago

Neat, a video about the second effect i turn off/disable before starting any game! (the first being motion blur). To all aspiring game devs, please make sure i can turn this off if you dont want me to refund your game, its a migraine-inducing nightmare. The only time i've been able to stand it is when it was used with an eye-tracking device, and even that was only fun for like, 5 minutes before my head exploded in a sea of pain.

Still cool as hell to watch a video about ^^

3 months ago

Excellent video as always :).
Also, late to the party but for what it's worth "Next Generation Post Processing in Call Of Duty" mentions the Karis average!

3 months ago

your videos help a lot! thanks!!!

3 months ago

the main problem with depth of field (aside from not quite looking realistic) is that it's usually applied way too aggressively

3 months ago

i hate depth of field, make motion sickness too

3 months ago

I was wondering : do you think it would be immersive if games added depth of field focusing at the place youre looking at (using an eye tracker for example) ?

3 months ago

small note for anyone interested since I happened to give it a look and was able to track down the source:

Heres the original source and namesake of the Karis filter: https://graphicrants.blogspot.com/2013/12/tone-mapping.html

3 months ago

I hate DOF and I always disable it. I'm not playing a game through a camera, I'm playing a game though the character's eyes. Eyes don't have DOF. DOF is complete trash and should be removed from games forever.

3 months ago

The most important effect for realism ?

I think it's having a camera in the scene.
Once I forgor to put one, it wasnt very realistic.

(camera is a special effect in my engine)

I'm kidding

3 months ago

i took off my glasses
depth of field 300%