What Hunter Biden Could Stand to Gain from a Public Hearing: Vargas Reports

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Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has been embroiled in controversy for several years, with allegations of wrongdoing and conflicts of interest stemming from his business dealings in Ukraine and China. The scrutiny of his business dealings has intensified as Joe Biden began his presidential campaign and subsequently assumed office.

With calls for transparency and accountability from Republican lawmakers and conservative media, there has been speculation about the potential benefits of Hunter Biden testifying in a public hearing. While the prospect of a public hearing is undoubtedly daunting, it may offer Hunter Biden an opportunity to address the allegations and clear his name once and for all.

One potential benefit for Hunter Biden is the opportunity to tell his side of the story. For years, he has been the subject of unfounded attacks and conspiracy theories, with little opportunity to defend himself in a public forum. A public hearing would allow him to provide a detailed account of his business dealings and address any misconceptions or falsehoods that have been perpetuated about him.

Additionally, a public hearing could provide Hunter Biden with a platform to demonstrate his credibility and integrity. By openly answering questions and providing evidence to support his claims, he could help to rebuild his image and regain the public’s trust. This could be particularly important as his father’s administration continues to face scrutiny and criticism from political opponents.

Furthermore, a public hearing could potentially vindicate Hunter Biden if he is able to provide clear and convincing evidence that he did not engage in any illegal or unethical behavior. This could help to put an end to the ongoing attacks on his character and allow him to move forward without the burden of baseless accusations hanging over him.

However, it is important to note that there are also potential risks associated with a public hearing. Hunter Biden would be subject to intense scrutiny and cross-examination, and any misstep or inconsistency could be seized upon by his detractors. Additionally, he would be exposing himself to further public scrutiny, potentially dredging up more negative attention and speculation.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to testify in a public hearing is a complex and highly personal one for Hunter Biden. While it may offer him a chance to set the record straight and clear his name, it also carries significant risks. As the debate over his testimony continues, it will be interesting to see how this situation unfolds and whether it will ultimately be beneficial for Hunter Biden.

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6 months ago

Why not make it public?

6 months ago

Yes that way it can lie and obfuscate to more people and taint all the jury pools!

6 months ago

Jim Jordan still hasn’t completed his subpoena yet yeah?? 😂😂

6 months ago

Hunter Biden is BRILLIANT! He wants a PUBLIC hearing and MAGA Republican LIARS, CHEATS & CON ARTISTS are running scared! They want their SCAM hearing with Hunter in PRIVATE, so they can carry on lying, cheating, fooling and scamming the American public…..L0L, L0L, L0L. L0L……Well done Hunter…….Very well done 🙂

6 months ago

So Republicans can't lie about anything..if you have nothing to hide then let us see

mike odonnell
6 months ago

make the rules before it starts "what does the word "is" mean and how will it be used!

6 months ago

Sunlight is the best disinfectant…

If you accuse a man publicly of something, that should also be able to defend himself publicly.


6 months ago


6 months ago

How does he get all the Privileges when Trump don't

6 months ago


6 months ago

I really do try to fault the guy, but ya know he has a deep and honest childhood hate & resentment for his dad and for a truly good reason!

6 months ago

Comer doesn't want it public because then he can't spin it anyway he wants.

6 months ago

Hunter Biden called them out on their BULLSHIT…Now they are already backtracking and want it all behind closed doors? Why?…I thought Hunter was Satan himself. The GOP couldn't wait to Crucify him.
Why the secrecy GOP?…Did something like FACTS, PROOF and EVIDENCE get in the way.?
Why is the TRUMP CULT GOP running and hiding like it's Jan 6 all over again?

6 months ago

Ego will get ya every time

6 months ago

No proof of wrongdoing for Joe? What Hunter and Jim were selling is irrelevant, cause Joe had nothing to do with it. As to why grand kids received money from overseas, who needs to know. As journalists we must take Joe's words for it, and give him the benefit of the doubt.

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

A fair Hearing if Nothing Else. The MAGA GOP Has made everything About Biden Public anyway.

6 months ago

Then man up and let him 🤪🤪

6 months ago

Hunter Biden doesn't get to make up the rules, he is the one being investigated and quested by Congress.