What is the top cross-platform technology for 2023?!

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What’s the best cross-platform technology in 2023?!?!

What’s the best cross-platform technology in 2023?!?!

In the ever-evolving world of technology, cross-platform development has become increasingly important as businesses and developers seek to reach a wider audience across various devices and operating systems. As we look ahead to 2023, the competition between cross-platform technologies continues to intensify, with each offering its own set of advantages and features.

React Native

One of the leading cross-platform technologies is React Native, developed by Facebook. It allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React, providing a native-like experience across iOS and Android devices. With a strong community and extensive library of pre-built components, React Native continues to be a top choice for many developers.


Google’s Flutter has gained significant traction in recent years, offering a flexible and fast framework for building cross-platform applications. With its focus on a single codebase, expressive UI, and excellent performance, Flutter has become a popular choice for many developers looking to create visually stunning and responsive applications for different platforms.


Microsoft’s Xamarin, acquired by the company in 2016, remains a strong contender in the cross-platform development space. Utilizing C# and the .NET framework, Xamarin allows developers to build native-like applications for iOS, Android, and Windows devices. With a strong integration with Visual Studio and a large community, Xamarin continues to be a reliable choice for developers seeking efficient cross-platform development.


As we approach 2023, the competition among cross-platform technologies continues to drive innovation and improvement, ultimately benefiting developers and businesses striving to create successful applications across multiple platforms. While React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin are currently among the top contenders, the best technology for cross-platform development ultimately depends on specific project requirements, developer expertise, and the desired user experience.

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6 months ago

Learn React Native FAST by becoming a member of Galaxies.dev today [FREE] https://galaxies.dev/reactnative

6 months ago

Kotlin Multiplatform FTW the benefits of both native and current hybrid solutions 🙂

6 months ago

why is this video 9 minutes long?

6 months ago

You forgot Kotlin Multiplatform 🙁

6 months ago

Im vary surprised that you did not mentioned KMP and Compose Multiplatform

6 months ago

Just remembering: Flutter is migrating to the Impeller engine, leaving Skia behind. It's already open to development for iOS apps if I remember correctly, but still not fully suported in all platforms.

6 months ago

Forget React Native, stick with flatter and enjoy life 🙂

6 months ago

How ababout maui ?

6 months ago

You forgot the big thing of 2023, Kotlin multi platform mobile is stable version today. Just announced. I’m Java developer and I bet on KMM or Kotlin compose for the future

6 months ago

Why never mention Python? Kivy not a good alternative? Then Kotlin not interesting enough?

6 months ago

I would like to mention "Codename One" which is a project I have used myself to create native Android, iOS, etc. apps using Java as a codebase. It was created by previous Sun Microsystem employees.

6 months ago

video starts at 5:00

6 months ago

The title is missing "mobile" in the string. Qt, etc?

6 months ago

Flutter is the king. One day it will render faster than native. Others can't really compete with it 🙂

6 months ago

You missed Xojo. That does kinda almost All platforms, one Xojo language and IDE. Native code!

6 months ago

Thanks for the content! Why jet pack compose of android is not include in the list

6 months ago

"Most people use Unity to build games…"

Boy that has aged like milk. lol

6 months ago

what about kmp ?!

6 months ago

what about Kotlin?

6 months ago

surprisingly, the slint framework with rust is very good, I tried the demo GUI application, the animation is very smooth and fast,
I don't know if it's better than flutter because it uses rust which is very fast, flutter uses the new Render impeller.