
What Makes NestJS Special?

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Why NestJS?

Why Choose NestJS for Your Next Project?

NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework that is used to build efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications. It uses modern JavaScript features with TypeScript and follows the established architectural patterns to help developers create highly maintainable and scalable code. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using NestJS for your next project:

1. TypeScript Support

NestJS is built with TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. This allows developers to catch errors at compile time and write more predictable and maintainable code. TypeScript also provides better tooling support and helps with code refactoring, making it easier to work with large codebases.

2. Scalability

NestJS provides a solid foundation for building scalable applications. It comes with built-in support for modular architecture, dependency injection, and microservices, making it easy to divide your application into smaller, manageable modules and scale them independently as needed. This makes NestJS a great choice for building large, complex applications that need to handle high loads.

3. Testing and Dependency Injection

NestJS has a powerful built-in testing module that makes it easy to write and run tests for your application. Additionally, it comes with a fully featured dependency injection system that allows you to easily manage the dependencies of your application and write more testable and maintainable code.

4. Community and Ecosystem

NestJS has a vibrant and active community that provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and support to help newcomers get started and experienced developers push the framework to its limits. It also comes with a rich ecosystem of modules, plugins, and tools that can help you add functionality to your application and integrate with other technologies.

5. Performance

NestJS is built on top of Express, which is a fast and minimalist web framework for Node.js. It also leverages modern JavaScript features and TypeScript to optimize performance and reduce overhead. This makes NestJS a great choice for building high-performance applications that need to handle a large number of concurrent requests.

In conclusion, NestJS is a powerful and modern framework that offers a great balance between productivity and performance. It provides all the tools and features you need to build highly maintainable, scalable, and efficient server-side applications. Whether you are building a small API or a complex enterprise application, NestJS is definitely worth considering for your next project.

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6 months ago

Only the first 40 seconds. I'm sorry but I can't continue listening to you.

6 months ago

At this point, just learn Springboot, lol.

6 months ago

Incroyable !! Je ne connais pas ta chaîne en anglais. Utilises-tu de l’IA ?

6 months ago

"When you're investing your time learning NestJS, you're actually investing time in yourself" – MOTIVATED

6 months ago

for real ? angular?
have you heard of ActiveRecord?

6 months ago

As one currently planning to introduce Node to my company stack for some smaller less intensive APIs instead of .NET Core.

I think this video gives me the assurance I needed to actually try out a few services in Node. A Typescript based server side framework that is as opinionated, robust and as modular as Angular is exactly what I need at this moment.

6 months ago

Let's agree to disagree…..react takes away your freedom and flexibility at the cost of slightly better performance and less codes….with your app getting bigger in react your chance to be creative and stay sane gets slimmer, you become bound to walk in the narrow corridor…..on the orher hand Angular is the knight in the shining arnour, the Godfather,the pirate of the Caribbean….. Whatever you want it to be

6 months ago

nestjs is bloated as fuck.

6 months ago

Damn, that was inspiring!

6 months ago

if you want stability and reliability Elm is the choice

6 months ago

Is this a re-most, thought I seen it before.

6 months ago

Maybe not Angular traditional approch

6 months ago

adding he angular logo to the thumbnail probably turned away way too many people