What Makes this Python Framework So Unique?!

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What’s So Special About this Python Framework?!

What’s So Special About this Python Framework?!

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and much more. With its ease of use and clean syntax, it has become a popular choice for developers. And when it comes to web development, there are plenty of frameworks to choose from. One such framework that stands out is Flask.

Flask – Lightweight and Flexible

Flask is a micro-framework for Python, which means it is minimalistic and lightweight. It doesn’t come with a lot of built-in features like some other frameworks, but that’s what makes it so special. Flask allows developers to have a flexible and customizable approach to building web applications. You can start with a simple, bare-bones application and add only the features and extensions that you need.

Easy to Learn and Use

Flask is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Its minimalistic design and straightforward syntax make it a great choice for beginners. It doesn’t have a steep learning curve, and you can get started with building web applications in no time. Flask also provides excellent documentation and a strong community of users, making it easy to find help and resources.

Extensible and Customizable

One of the key features of Flask is its extensibility. It has a wide range of extensions available that allow you to add functionality to your application, such as handling forms, authentication, database integration, and more. This means you can tailor your application to your specific needs without being burdened by unnecessary features.

Great for Small to Medium-Sized Projects

Flask is perfect for small to medium-sized projects. It’s great for building prototypes, APIs, and small web applications. However, it can also handle larger projects with the right structure and organization. Its flexibility and scalability make it a great choice for a wide range of projects.


Flask is a special Python framework that offers developers a lightweight, flexible, and customizable approach to web development. Its simplicity, ease of use, and extensibility make it a popular choice for many developers. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Flask is definitely worth considering for your next web project.

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6 months ago

Hi John 👋

Sanskar here, the author of Robyn. Firstly, thank you for covering the framework and for the great content. Documentation is one of our top most priorities and will improve substantially over the coming months. ✨

One suggestion, you can pass in the `–workers` flag to allow Robyn to serve a higher throughput. The default 1 worker is for prototyping or development mode. e.g. `python app.py –workers=5`. The number can vary depending on the power of your machine.

6 months ago

How does it compare to Django Ninja i wonder

6 months ago

4:32 subtle and classy. very nice
therefor 👍

6 months ago

Great stuff. I have been waiting for the dethroning of Pandas and I am excited about building a career based on Rust

6 months ago

Is Robyn displaying the log output like the FastAPI version? This is a bottleneck here. Try to suppress log output in FastAPI and then compare.

6 months ago

Great video!!🔥 Can you make a video where you use httpx? I have a project where I need to input stuff into a text field and then hit a submit button. How do I interact with a site using httpx? Thanks!

6 months ago

Thank you very much.
I follow you and your videos are very helping.
Could you please do a video to scape autosuggestion from any website please.
Thank you in advance.

6 months ago

Hi John. Bit off topic but how would you normally distribute a python web scraping script to a client if they needed it to run once a month etc? Would you convert it to exe and send it to them or perhaps run it in the cloud and have it email them? Cheers

6 months ago

Hello sir I have watched your scrapy playlist very great content you have made

There's a website i am trying to scrape the scrapy is reading only the head of the html code .
The body is not getting read.
I also tried to do it with splash but it is getting 502 bad gateway
Could please help me 🙏

6 months ago

Bro didnt disable log output….

6 months ago

What does "hey" command do ??

6 months ago

When I discovered Flask, I was happy because it was far more interesting than Django!
And the rest are only variations (improved for sure)!
Rust? I'm not interested, imagine thousands of programs to maintain and you are having a mix of API with different languages and more or less documentation? 3 months after the delivery, a modification and you are f…!

6 months ago

Thank you for this video! Is good to be aware of new stuff!

6 months ago

0:47 Polars is already there from quite some time and it’s blazing fast compared to our lovely Pandas 🐼. Unfortunately Pandas is the go to library for data manipulation and not enough people talking about Polars

6 months ago

By bye flask/fastapi, looks like I got a new toy 🙂

6 months ago

would be great if theres a way to make a swagger url like fastapi does

6 months ago

Thank you for this useful information!

6 months ago

Again a good video

6 months ago

So guy who created new framework. – "Hmm, i have fastapi with 100.000 rps/sec, in my project i have 0.02 rps/sec. Its time to create new faster framework" =)

6 months ago

Thanks for the enlightenment John!!