What ways can I make a contribution to FastAPI?

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How can I contribute to FastAPI?

How can I contribute to FastAPI?

FastAPI is an open-source web framework for building APIs with Python. If you are interested in contributing to this project, there are several ways you can get involved.

1. Contribute code

One of the most direct ways to contribute to FastAPI is by writing and submitting code. You can start by checking out the project’s GitHub repository and looking for issues labeled as “good first issue” or “help wanted.” After identifying an issue that interests you, you can start working on a solution and submit a pull request to the project maintainers for review.

2. Improve documentation

Another valuable way to contribute to FastAPI is by improving its documentation. This could involve writing new documentation, updating existing documentation, or translating the documentation into different languages. Clear and comprehensive documentation is essential for the success of any open-source project, so this type of contribution is highly valued.

3. Report bugs

If you encounter a bug while using FastAPI, you can contribute by reporting it to the project maintainers. You can do this by opening a new issue on the GitHub repository and providing details about the bug, including steps to reproduce it and any relevant error messages. This will help the maintainers to identify and fix the issue more quickly.

4. Answer questions

FastAPI has a growing community of users who ask questions and seek help on forums such as Stack Overflow and the project’s GitHub repository. If you have experience with FastAPI, you can contribute by answering questions from other users and helping them to solve their problems. This can help to build a supportive and inclusive community around the project.

5. Spread the word

Finally, you can contribute to FastAPI by helping to promote the project and attract more users and contributors. This could involve writing blog posts, giving talks at conferences, or simply sharing your positive experiences with FastAPI on social media. By raising awareness of the project, you can help to ensure its continued success and growth.

Overall, there are many ways to contribute to FastAPI, regardless of your level of experience or expertise. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a newcomer to open-source, your contributions can make a real difference to the project and its community.

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6 months ago

Great video Marcelo. I would like to l how can I contribute on projects like pydantic , starlet and uvicorn. I want to start the open source contribution but I don’t know where can I start

6 months ago

How beginner can contribute to FASTAPI

6 months ago

Hi Marcelo, Do you know if it would be possible to build a framework on top of Fastapi (or already has been done). At a company I worked for they did that with java and spring boot. There is a video about another company that show how to do that called building a framework on top of spring boot. This way it would be possible to give for example some Prometheus metrics, Include httpclients with retry etc already configured in a correct way (I know that this is not in fastapi itself, but that you should chose a library for that), and more thing like this.

6 months ago

Thank you 😊,good video for getting started

6 months ago

Amazing. Helped a lot.

6 months ago

Thanks for this video! And please continue to make more content. +1 subscriber

Question: Even though someone does not speak one of the languages which are awaiting review, how benefitial you think would be to paste the content on GPT-4 just to check if there's nothing odd or makes sense at first glance and add this feedback to the GitHub issue?

6 months ago

that was a great video
thank you

6 months ago

Thank you for the video

6 months ago

russian translation should be banned right now because of invasion in Ukraine, they do not deserve