What will happen if Donald Trump’s 5 pending trial dates collide?

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The legal troubles for former President Donald Trump seem to be mounting as he currently has five trial dates pending. These trials range from civil cases to criminal investigations, and the question now arises: what happens when trial dates collide?

First and foremost, it is important to note that having multiple trial dates pending is not uncommon, especially for high-profile individuals like Trump. The legal system is equipped to handle such situations and has provisions in place to ensure that every case is given proper attention and that the defendant’s rights are protected.

When trial dates collide, the courts typically prioritize cases based on a variety of factors, including the severity of the charges, the age of the case, and the availability of witnesses and evidence. In Trump’s case, it is likely that his legal team will work with the courts to determine which trials take precedence and how to manage the scheduling conflicts.

Additionally, Trump’s legal team may also seek continuances or delays in certain cases in order to allow for adequate time to prepare a defense. This is a common strategy in complex legal cases, and the courts often grant such requests in the interest of ensuring a fair trial for all parties involved.

It is also worth noting that some of Trump’s legal challenges may be resolved through settlements or plea deals, which could potentially eliminate the need for certain trials altogether. Trump’s legal team may be exploring all options to minimize the impact of these pending trials and to reach the most favorable outcomes for their client.

Overall, while having five trial dates pending may seem daunting, the legal system is designed to handle such complexities and ensure that each case is given proper attention and resolution. Trump’s legal team will undoubtedly be working diligently to navigate this challenging situation and to secure the best possible outcomes for their client. As the legal proceedings unfold, it will be important to closely monitor how the courts manage the scheduling conflicts and how Trump’s legal team strategizes to address these multiple challenges.

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6 months ago

You are amazingly calm and clear. I do get a bit boggled trying to follow the bouncing trials!

6 months ago

This is why Trump wants to try his cases in the Public Opinion, & NOT in a Court of Law.

6 months ago

question why have you not talked about a civil trial of Trump in D C that has been held uo for over two years waiting for the applies court to make a ruling and until they do his criminal trail in D C can not go forward eighter ?

6 months ago

Well said

6 months ago

Great reporting Glenn for your succinct and factual reporting on Trump's Treasonous criminal behavior and judicial FACTS! Keep doing what you do as well as with Brian Cohen.

6 months ago

How many lawyers does trump have? I thought he had different lawyers for each case. Too many lawyers, lmao

6 months ago

Wouldn't it be nice is something happened to make all of NPD Trump's pending trials unnecessary? I don't mean pardons or some other form of dismissal. Something that might free up the GOP to return to being a legitimate political party interested in helping the US, not destroying it.

6 months ago

Thanks very much Glenn – for helping us to TRY to understand this important MESS.

6 months ago

I gotta hand it to the Trump entity. I doubt that in all of American history there has ever been an upcoming year that is as pregnant with coming dramatic possibilities as is the year 2024. The trials. The election. To borrow a phrase, "Will be wild."

6 months ago


6 months ago

I always figured that the document case was just a smoke screen to facilitate the more serious charges.

6 months ago

He's going to try and escape the country.He's a coward so I doubt whether he'll just show up

6 months ago

There's one thing that's being missed here: trump has a different legal team for each trial. So, the March trial isn't going to impact the trump legal team's preparation for the Florida trial in May because his May trial legal team will continue to prepare for trial as he's in court in March. If they conflict because donny can't be in 2 places at once, that's a different story. But there isn't a problem caused by his legal team having to go back-to-back… because donny has 2 individually different legal teams for those trials…

6 months ago

2024 The YEAR of ACCOUNTABILITY coming for trump!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

The same way any other criminal does!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

6 months ago


6 months ago

He's a domestic terrorist traitor and wannabe dictator, he'll be too busy next in courts all next year

6 months ago

Without President Biden's true leadership, I shudder to think of where we would be right now without him. He deserves to be reelected, period.

To all Judges, Attorney General's and DOJ: You absolutely need to stand up to D.Trumphole, and do what's right. Our Brave Men and Women in the Service of our Country, stand up to the Ashholes and Bullies of the world. Even when they are in Harms Way! They Still Do Their Jobs! Let's get this done! Save our Democracy for Today and Tomorrow and for our Children's sake. VOTE GOP Out The Door, In 2024. Remove D.Tantrump from the Ballot.

6 months ago

I don't see Trump will face any consequence for his actions. Sorry, no confidence.

6 months ago

I hope one if not more, gets him locked up.