What’s changed in Angular version 17?

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I’m sorry, but as of September 2021, Angular version 17 has not been released yet. The latest stable version of Angular is Angular 12, which was released in May 2021.

Angular is a popular open-source web application framework developed by Google that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. With each new release, Angular introduces new features, improvements, and bug fixes to enhance the development experience for users.

While we can’t provide a tutorial on what’s new in Angular version 17 at this time, we can discuss some of the key features and improvements that were introduced in Angular 12.

1. Improved performance: Angular 12 includes performance improvements that can help to make your applications faster and more responsive. This includes updates to the Angular compiler and runtime, as well as optimizations for smaller bundle sizes.

2. Enhanced integration with Webpack 5: Angular 12 offers improved compatibility with Webpack 5, the latest version of the popular module bundler. This allows developers to take advantage of the latest features and optimizations provided by Webpack.

3. Updates to Angular Material: Angular Material is a UI component library that provides pre-built components for Angular applications. Angular 12 includes updates to Angular Material, including new components, improvements to existing components, and bug fixes.

4. Improved handling of asynchronous operations: Angular 12 introduces improvements to the handling of asynchronous operations, making it easier for developers to work with observables, promises, and other asynchronous patterns in their applications.

5. Other improvements: Angular 12 also includes a variety of other enhancements, such as updates to the Angular CLI, improvements to the Angular forms API, and bug fixes to address issues reported by the community.

In conclusion, while we don’t have information on Angular version 17 at this time, it’s clear that each new release of Angular brings valuable improvements and enhancements to the framework. Developers can stay up to date with the latest features by following the official Angular blog and documentation.

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3 hours ago

idk why it's losing popularity compared to react
it's really great framework

3 hours ago

Also can we have self generating test code which can figure out that there is a service. And have it generated a mock service

3 hours ago

I want a gui development tool like visual basic. Also easy to create form with input validation.

3 hours ago

Hi sir.
how to run : npm run build in Dockerfile with Angular 17.
I'm trying since a day to deploy Angular 17 app on Nginx .
I just see welcome to to Nginx not my app 🤮

3 hours ago

Only using it because I have to at work. React is much quicker and better and leaner

3 hours ago

it grows so fast, im afraid to develop new project 😀

3 hours ago

I just hope you guys let the classes approach and don't go fully react , oop is what made using a lot of programming patterns to structure things and organize , functional programming easily creates a mess of nested functions.. I'm happy with all the improvement but afraid angularjs case happening again

3 hours ago

The best framework ever I really love it. Angular for always!

3 hours ago

the problem is the tutorial ion the documentations are still not aligned with angular 17 , especially when try to implement the routing which exist by default

3 hours ago

"Hi Angular Team, @angular

I've been reflecting on the current implementation of @Input and @Output in Angular and comparing it with React's approach to state and props. While Angular offers robust and powerful features, I find the process to set up @Input and @Output a bit more involved than React's straightforward handling of props.

—————————— React Props ———————————————————————–
In React, passing data to components is quite streamlined, as shown in this simple example: <MyComponent myProps="hello" />. This one-line code effortlessly declares and passes props.

—————————— Angular Props long way to follow coding ———————————
Long way in Angular : On the other hand, Angular requires several steps to achieve similar functionality. For instance:
1) Steps
<app-child-component [dataFromParent]="parentData"></app-child-component>

2) Steps : very long work in this steps
import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
export class ChildComponent {

@Input() dataFromParent: any; // appropriate type declaration
@Output() notifyParent: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();


sendData() {

this.notifyParent.emit('Some data from child');


// Request : in this 2 steps @input we need to import and tell to component hey this is input . Can we skips this steps for import @input and @Output ? and directly just mentions props name only "dataFromParent" ? and it need to identify / figure out itself it input or output type..! . and same for Output first we need to import Output event emitter and then need to emit that methods which is really TDS work ..!

3) Steps :

{{ dataFromParent }}


And same issue for @output implementation in angular which takes more stapes to implements.

@Angular Team just a request :
Could we have a shorthand for implementing @Input and @Output in Angular? Something similar to React's props syntax for simpler and faster coding. This would really streamline frequent property usage in Angular development.

3 hours ago

Wow! Sound interesting. I'm still on the v14.

3 hours ago

I think I stopped with Angular in version 8. I am back

3 hours ago

Is there a way to extend a Component dynamically with a Model class and then bind to the properties of the Model class within the View? Extending the Component with a Model class is doable, just Angular will not compile when I attempt to bind to a property of the Model using Rx.js. Put this feature in Angular 18 please if it is not already available.

3 hours ago

Oh, the interactive tutorials in the new web site will definitely come in handy to catch up. I hadn't really built anything with Angular since version 7, so this is appreciated.

3 hours ago

Angular baba

3 hours ago

what about Module federation with esbuild, that was webpack feature. If i have module federation is there is a migration path to Angular17 ?

3 hours ago

Can i use Angular SSR on typical web host like Siteground?

3 hours ago

I'm just going to say it….

Mark is a STAR!

3 hours ago

Can i upgrade my angular app from v8 to v17 and work perfectly , i really need to upgrade it! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

3 hours ago

I like mark a lot, I wanna be like him

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