What’s the latest in TensorFlow and Keras? #shorts

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What’s new in TensorFlow and Keras?

What’s new in TensorFlow and Keras?

TensorFlow and Keras are two popular open-source machine learning libraries that are constantly being updated with new features and improvements. Let’s take a look at what’s new in these libraries.


TensorFlow 2.8 is the latest release, and it comes with several new features and improvements. One of the key updates is the integration of TensorFlow Lite, which allows for accelerated on-device machine learning inference on mobile and IoT devices. There are also improvements to the TensorFlow Debugger for easier debugging of complex models. Additionally, TensorFlow 2.8 includes enhancements to the TensorFlow Data service for efficient data loading and transformation.


Keras is a high-level neural networks API that is now integrated into TensorFlow. The latest version of Keras provides support for a wider range of operations and layers, making it easier to build and train complex deep learning models. Keras also includes new utilities for data preprocessing and augmentation, as well as improved support for distributed training across multiple devices.


With these updates, both TensorFlow and Keras continue to evolve and improve, making it easier for developers and researchers to build and deploy machine learning models. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned machine learning practitioner, these new features and improvements are sure to enhance your workflow and help you stay at the forefront of the field.