What’s the Latest in Vue 3.4?

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What’s New in Vue 3.4?

What’s New in Vue 3.4?

Vue 3.4 is the latest version of the popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. This release brings several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes that improve the development experience for Vue developers. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key updates in Vue 3.4:

Key Updates in Vue 3.4:

  • Improved TypeScript Support: Vue 3.4 has further enhanced TypeScript support, making it easier for developers to use TypeScript with Vue projects. This includes improved type inference, better IntelliSense support, and more.
  • Composition API Enhancements: The Composition API in Vue 3.4 has been improved with new features and enhancements that make it easier to build complex components and share logic across components.
  • Reactivity Improvements: Vue 3.4 includes improvements to the reactivity system, making it more efficient and easier to work with reactive data in Vue applications.
  • Optimizations and Performance Improvements: Vue 3.4 includes various optimizations and performance improvements that make Vue apps faster and more efficient.

These are just a few of the key updates in Vue 3.4. For a full list of changes and updates, you can refer to the official Vue documentation.

If you are a Vue developer, upgrading to Vue 3.4 is highly recommended as it brings important improvements and new features that can help you build better and more efficient Vue applications.

Overall, Vue 3.4 is a solid update that further cements Vue’s position as one of the top JavaScript frameworks for building modern web applications.

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4 months ago

Hey man! I miss your videos. Please don't drop the channel. I find it immensely helpful. Keep up the excellent work!

4 months ago

WOAH! The shorthand for vbind is HUGE for me! It's how usually i name variable for props!

4 months ago

Are u gonna make a tutorial video where you are buliding vue app with best practice?

4 months ago

The Vuechad boy is back

4 months ago

I hate your Volar so much dude! 😂 unlike SvelteKit intellisense that fast and stable.

4 months ago

defineModel() 🙌 omg, my life has become 2x better

4 months ago

defineModel() 🙌 omg, my life has become 2x better

4 months ago

@LearnVue You need to learn basic Math. 44% faster doesn't mean "twice as fast". It means almost half as fast again. Thumbs down for the clickbait title and waisting my time.

4 months ago

Sir Please keep posting video. Because you are giving extra ordinary content of Vue eco system.

4 months ago

can you make a free course about vue3, from 0 to hero please ❤🙏

4 months ago

What vscode theme and font are used in this video?

4 months ago

A video on the new upcoming vapor mode would be nice

4 months ago

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Great vid.

4 months ago

glory for jquery

4 months ago

Nice one as always

4 months ago

Great Video!

4 months ago

defineModel is amazing it makes creating custom controls a breeze.

4 months ago

I hope to come more video. Thanks

4 months ago

Great to have you back! I'd love to see some more videos about VueUse since several versions have come out (10.7 is the latest as of now). Other topics that might be useful are one about defineExpose and how to access public props on a component (useful for resetting a form component, for example). VueApollo has a really excellent set of useQuery and useMutation composables that are all reactive that could be worth covering for graphQL.

4 months ago

Youre awesome!
Keep releasing content!

I woild like to see deep dives into vue internals and some compositing practices you use

Thanks a lot!