When was the Ivy renderer introduced in Angular?

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Introduction to Angular Ivy Renderer

Introduction to Angular Ivy Renderer

Angular is a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google. It is used for building single-page client applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/TypeScript. One of the key features of Angular is its powerful rendering engine, which has seen significant improvements over the years.

In version 8 of Angular, the Ivy renderer was introduced as an opt-in preview. The Ivy renderer is a new and improved rendering engine that boasts several benefits, including improved build times, smaller bundle sizes, and better debugging capabilities. It also provides better adherence to web standards and allows for more flexibility in how components are built and used.

With the release of Angular version 9, the Ivy renderer became the default rendering engine, replacing the previous View Engine. This marked a significant milestone for Angular, as the Ivy renderer represents a major step forward in the framework’s evolution.

Developers who have migrated their applications to use the Ivy renderer have reported positive experiences, with many noting improved performance and a smoother development process. The Ivy renderer has also enabled the Angular team to introduce new features and optimizations that were not possible with the previous rendering engine.

Overall, the introduction of the Ivy renderer has been a game-changer for Angular, and it continues to be a key focus for ongoing development and improvements within the framework.