White House warns that Ukraine is running out of time and money

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The White House has issued a warning that time and money are running out for Ukraine, as the nation continues to face economic and political turmoil. The statement comes as the international community seeks to find solutions to help stabilize the situation in Ukraine.

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has taken a toll on the country’s economy, with the government struggling to meet its financial obligations. The White House has emphasized the need for urgent action to prevent a further deterioration of the situation.

The United States has been a strong supporter of Ukraine, providing financial aid and diplomatic support to help the country navigate through its challenges. However, the White House has underscored the importance of other countries stepping up to provide assistance as well.

Time is of the essence, as Ukraine is facing significant economic and political pressure. The country is in desperate need of financial aid to help stabilize its economy and meet its financial obligations. Without immediate action, the situation in Ukraine could worsen, potentially leading to further instability in the region.

The White House has urged the international community to come together to support Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of providing both financial aid and diplomatic support. It is crucial for countries to work together to find solutions that will help Ukraine overcome its current challenges and move towards a more stable and prosperous future.

The situation in Ukraine is complex and multifaceted, but it is clear that time and money are running out. The White House’s warning serves as a call to action for the international community to come together and provide the support that Ukraine urgently needs.

As the situation in Ukraine continues to unfold, it is essential for countries to work together to provide the necessary assistance to help the nation overcome its challenges. Time is of the essence, and the international community must act quickly to provide the support that Ukraine needs to stabilize its economy and political situation. The White House’s warning serves as a reminder of the urgency of the situation and the need for immediate action to prevent further instability in Ukraine.

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9 months ago

It is absolutely disgusting for the Gop to use the domestic issues of boarder security to withhold funding for Ukraine and Isreal. The free world will never forget or respect the Gop. Their dirty politics will undermine US international respect

9 months ago

This has been on the cards for some time.
Putin is prepared to play the long game, and doesn’t care if it takes 10 years, whereas Ukraine can’t t carry on without funding and desperately need to see a rapid end to the conflict. As to War Crimes, that doesn’t worry Putin, and as he sits back and looks, he’ll be aware that the Israeli Army are possibly committing War Crimes, and being funded by the USA.
He isn’t really all that concerned about playing a filthy War. The Russians are experts at it!

9 months ago

Cause of Ukraine corruption 😂😂😂😂😂

9 months ago

White House is lying.
America is agressing all country over the world.
Shame on Washington.

9 months ago

Republicans should move for change to asylum laws since adding more border patrol and cameras only means watching illegals cross in 4K. No money for wars unless Asylum laws are more restrictive.

9 months ago

Ireland has taken 17 times more ukrainian refugees per 1000 inhabitants than the US .If the war is going to perpetuated. Then take responsibility of looking after their people.

9 months ago

Sorry Ukraine. America's true master overseas is demanding its money

9 months ago


9 months ago

Just how stupid are we? The only reason to let Putiin off the ropes is so the defense industry can keep him around as a marketing gimmick. All while Ukrainians pay AGAIN for their Democracy.

9 months ago

Too bad the rest of nato couldnt donate the same amount

9 months ago

Ukraine's success in the ongoing conflict is not accurately reflected by traditional metrics like land gain. Here's why:

1) Logistics Destruction: Ukraine is effectively targeting Russian logistics, a critical aspect of warfare, especially since Russia is operating in foreign territory.

2) Guerrilla Warfare and Sabotage: Ukraine is conducting successful guerrilla operations within Russia, damaging factories, infrastructure, and transportation networks. This escalation brings the conflict to Russian soil, impacting Russian public support for the war.

3)Targeting Military Leadership: Ukraine is strategically eliminating Russian military leaders by focusing on command and control centers.

4) Impact in Crimea: Despite no territorial gain in Crimea, Ukraine has significantly weakened the Russian naval presence, marking a strategic setback for Russia.

5) Tactical Advantage: Ukrainian forces are fighting with smarter tactics compared to the Russian strategy of mass attacks. The high Russian casualty rate and equipment losses are demoralizing their troops.

6) Morale and Motivation: Ukrainian soldiers are highly motivated, defending their homeland and freedom, while Russian soldiers are increasingly demoralized, recognizing the unjust nature of the war.

7) International Support: Ukraine benefits from NATO and global support, countering Russia's size advantage. Historical precedents show that larger nations can lose wars, as Russia did in Afghanistan.

8) Economic Factors: Global sanctions are economically isolating Russia, adding pressure to their war efforts.

9) Time Factor: All these factors combine to work against Putin's strategy, making time an ally for Ukraine."

9 months ago

As long as it takes from America also NATO cant walk away from it all now not like Afghanistan leaving behind all those people who stood side by side with NATO troops and beged them all to stay . God bless Ukraine at this very dark time.

9 months ago


9 months ago

Slava Russia 🇷🇺 💪

9 months ago

Why isn't biden pushing for a ceasefire, peace treaty in ukraine rather than handing them another $60 billion to prolong a quagmire of a war…

9 months ago

Jesus Christ is coming soon

9 months ago

The US government and NATO instigated this proxy war. No more money to the corrupt Ukraine while Joe, politicians and donors get rich on the dead Ukrainians which they murdered. If the US government cared about Ukraine then they wouldn't have sent Boris Johnson to sabotaged the peace negotiations last year. I support Russia and President Putin as the US and NATO aggression needs to end. The US needs to stay of of Ukraine, Russia and every other country nobody wants our democracy and freedom while we destroy nations. Ukraine is never going to beat Russia no matter how much the mainstream media and US government lies this is the truth.

9 months ago

Oh well, to f-ing bad for Ukraine ! !

9 months ago

USA is handing out trillions of dollars yearly to United Nations, DHS, NSA, CIA, FBI , DARPA and the Jason Group. We are paying government to experiment on human beings.

9 months ago

USA government would have the money if someone hadn’t stole 2.3 trillion from the pentagon the day before 9/11 and had it not spent trillions on human experiments and spending money on artificial intelligence which they are calling intellectual property. Trying to control peoples minds. Educated yourself people.