Who profited millions from the attack on Israel?

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As tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East, one group that has profited immensely from the ongoing conflict between Israel and its neighboring countries is the defense industry. With billions of dollars in contracts flowing in from countries looking to protect themselves from potential attacks, defense contractors have reaped the benefits of this instability.

One of the key players in this lucrative industry is Lockheed Martin, a leading American defense contractor that has made millions from the attack on Israel. As one of the largest defense contractors in the world, Lockheed Martin has supplied Israel with a wide range of military hardware, including fighter jets, missile defense systems, and surveillance technology.

In 2016, Lockheed Martin secured a massive $11.25 billion deal to provide Israel with F-35 fighter jets, a move that further solidified its position as a major player in the global arms trade. This deal not only bolstered Israel’s military capabilities but also lined the pockets of Lockheed Martin’s shareholders. The company’s stock prices soared on the news, and its executives reaped hefty bonuses as a result.

But Lockheed Martin is not the only defense contractor to cash in on the conflict in the Middle East. Companies like Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and Boeing have also profited from the sale of military hardware to Israel and other countries in the region. These companies have seen their stock prices rise in response to the demand for advanced weaponry, and their executives have enjoyed substantial financial gains as a result.

While defense contractors have made millions from the attack on Israel, the consequences of this profiteering reach far beyond the financial realm. The arms trade has only served to fuel the conflict in the Middle East, perpetuating a cycle of violence that has resulted in immense human suffering. The weapons sold to Israel and other countries in the region have been used to inflict harm on civilians, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.

As the conflict in the Middle East continues to rage on, the defense industry shows no signs of slowing down. With billions of dollars at stake, defense contractors have a vested interest in perpetuating the cycle of violence, ensuring that they will continue to profit from the ongoing conflict. As the world grapples with how to bring about peace in the region, the role of the defense industry in fueling this conflict cannot be ignored. It is imperative that we hold these companies accountable for their actions and work towards a future where profit is not prioritized over the well-being of innocent civilians.

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6 months ago

It's more likely USA elite politicians and national security entities did so

6 months ago

I suggest the next tittle would be, “who benefits from Palestinian occupation?”. Eventhough i doubt you would make one. I dare you.. 😂

6 months ago

It was likely an astrologer. Many of my clients make money on the stock market.

6 months ago

It has been proven that Israel KNEW indeed, they admitted themselves recently, that the attack of hamas was already known and likely yet they ignored it

6 months ago

Typical western journalism- making a story out off nothing – simply to deflect the real issue- to hold the occupier accountable for war crimes!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Ask Netanyahu & family.

6 months ago

The Economist, slaves to the same masters, for a change. Genocide is taking place. It's best to minimise the consequences.

6 months ago


6 months ago

The attack ON israel???

the attack BY israel –> the right title

6 months ago

Needless to say, It's US's Arm Industries. Q

6 months ago

There was insider trading on American Airlines, as well, just before 9/11. Old story. Whoever made these trades either 'disappear' or fail to show up to claim their winnings, because they're afraid of being identified.

6 months ago

Biased media 🤬

6 months ago

Hhhh another conspiration theory. As always, the Jews are the bad guy, and palestinian/hamas are bunch of innocent sheeps.
Wow, just wow.

6 months ago

Iran … Hamas is a small player under qatari and iran payroll

6 months ago

Wasn't October 7 the anniversary of another event in Palestine?

6 months ago

It could be the Israeli government too as Mossad could not miss knowing of the Hamas attack

6 months ago

Who would profit if Israel attack Palestine? This should be the question.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Is it really that hard to tell who benefitted? Come on, it's China!