WHO: Surge in Illness in China is Not Caused by a New Virus, Reports Vargas

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the current surge in illness in China is not due to a new virus. This announcement comes as concerns have been raised about the increase in cases and the potential for a new outbreak.

The WHO has stated that the recent surge in illness in China is actually due to a combination of factors, including an increase in the circulation of respiratory viruses such as influenza and other common cold viruses. This explanation is supported by the fact that the majority of cases have been mild and have not resulted in severe illness.

The organization also highlighted the fact that the surge in cases is not unique to China, as other countries in the region have also experienced similar increases in respiratory illnesses. This suggests that the situation is more likely due to seasonal patterns and the circulation of common viruses, rather than a new and unknown threat.

In light of this information, the WHO is urging people to remain calm and not to panic. The organization is also advising individuals to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses, such as practicing good hygiene, wearing masks in crowded places, and seeking medical attention if they experience symptoms such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing.

The WHO’s clarification about the nature of the illness surge in China is important as it helps to address fears and concerns about the potential for a new outbreak. By providing a clear and evidence-based explanation, the organization is helping to prevent the spread of misinformation and unnecessary panic.

In conclusion, the surge in illness in China is not due to a new virus, according to the WHO. Instead, it is likely to be the result of seasonal patterns and the circulation of common respiratory viruses. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, individuals can protect themselves and help to prevent the spread of illness.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

The WHO has lost all credibility. Are you gonna start quoting Dr. Seuss next?
I smell a Fauci

6 months ago

Little fiks are lying again

6 months ago

We need to stop letting the chinese in our country

6 months ago

Is it at all possible they can get some nanotech into a bunch of people then activate it to spread fear among the population?

6 months ago

They lieing. Prepare pwoplw

6 months ago

If china says its not new …consider it a new virus

6 months ago

Another cover up more lies it doesnt surprise me.

6 months ago

It could be true but who knows who really is lying. What if China realized how much they have benefitted from the results of Covid all over the world.
What’s a lunatic government would not do to gain more from these happenings? You know, it won’t be that hard for a tyrannous government to release virus that will become a world threat and them to benefit from it.

6 months ago

Based on the southern hemisphere’s flu season, we knew that influenza was going to hit young children the hardest this fall. It’s NOT new information! Our urgent cares are already busy!

6 months ago

Election virus…aka ballot harvesting time.

6 months ago

Completely believable and understandable
– Absolutely no one

6 months ago

Remember that movie about covid-23?

6 months ago

Biden and the Left paying China to help the Old Fool get reelected…

6 months ago

Pandemic Jan 2024 on the horizon.

6 months ago

Nobody panic, BLM, LGBT and antifa will be safe.

6 months ago

Yeah right. Like we trust WHO or China.

6 months ago

Ohh In india, we are having deficiency issues. Like VIT D and other deficiencies because of pandemic and some leading to diseases.

6 months ago

Bio Weapon? China😡 WHO puppet😢

6 months ago

Time to have people need God more than ever. Don’t have fear. God has the ones who know how God works to make people not fear. I don’t have fear. We also need to not listen to fake news or bad governments too