Why Database Migrations Are Important: Learn How to Use Alembic + sqlmodel

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Database migrations matter! Get up and running with Alembic + sqlmodel

When it comes to working with databases in web development, database migrations are a crucial aspect of managing the database schema. Whether you’re building a new application or updating an existing one, database migrations ensure that your database structure evolves alongside your application, without causing any data loss or inconsistencies.

One popular tool for handling database migrations in Python is Alembic, which works seamlessly with SQL databases. When combined with the powerful SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library, sqlmodel, you can easily manage and version your database schema in a consistent and efficient way.

Getting started with Alembic

To get started with Alembic, you’ll need to install it using pip:

pip install alembic

Once installed, you can initialize Alembic in your project by running the following command:

alembic init alembic

This will create a directory called “alembic” in your project, containing several files and directories that are used to manage your database migrations.

Creating a migration with Alembic

With Alembic initialized, you can now create a new migration by running the following command:

alembic revision -m “create_user_table”

This will create a new migration file in the “alembic/versions” directory, which you can then edit to define the changes you want to make to your database schema.

Using sqlmodel to define your database schema

Now that you have a migration file, you can define your database schema using sqlmodel. Sqlmodel provides a simple and intuitive way to define your database models using Python classes, allowing you to easily manage and interact with your database.

For example, you can define a User model using sqlmodel like this:

from sqlmodel import SQLModel, Field
class User(SQLModel, table=True):
id: int = Field(primary_key=True)
username: str
email: str

Once you have defined your models, you can use Alembic to generate the necessary migration code to apply your changes to the database schema.

Applying migrations with Alembic

Applying your migrations with Alembic is as simple as running the following command:

alembic upgrade head

This will execute the migration script and apply your changes to the database schema, ensuring that your database is up to date with your application’s requirements.

By combining Alembic with sqlmodel, you can easily manage and version your database schema, making it easy to evolve alongside your application as it grows and changes. With these tools in your toolkit, you can ensure that your database is always in sync with your application, without any hassle or data loss.

So if you’re working with databases in Python, make sure to give Alembic and sqlmodel a try – you won’t be disappointed!

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6 months ago

great vid, thanks for explaining both libraries so clearly.

6 months ago

Great video Man♥️

6 months ago

really thanks for this video! it has been essential for me, very clear and pragmatic!

6 months ago

Great video, thanks! Beside the basic FastAPI / SQLModel setup (which, to be fair, are already greatly covered in the FastAPI docs) there is very little deeper content. For example: what's a good (file)structure for a big FastAPI app including SQLModel and Alembic. Or: how to deal with bigger models and especially m:n relations, there the FastAPI docs are thinning out. Maybe these are ideas for you.

6 months ago

good stuff! Was looking at this specific combo late last week.