“Why did the computer bring a magnifying glass to the party? To search for the ‘byte’ of fun!” #AI #joke

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AI Voice Telling a Joke

Welcome to the AI Joke-telling Session!

Today, we have a special treat for you. Our AI voice will be telling an awesome joke. Get ready to laugh your socks off!

Loading joke…

async function getNewJoke() {
const response = await fetch(‘https://api.example.com/jokes/random’);
const data = await response.json();

const jokeText = document.getElementById(‘joke-text’);
jokeText.innerText = data.joke;

In this HTML document, we have set up a simple web page where an AI voice will tell a joke to the user. The page contains a heading welcoming the user to the joke-telling session and a paragraph introducing the AI voice joke.

A portion of the page is dedicated to displaying the joke, initially showing a loading message. When the user clicks the “Tell me another joke” button, a JavaScript function is called to fetch a random joke from an API (in this case ‘https://api.example.com/jokes/random’) and display it on the page.

This interactive and engaging experience showcases how AI technology can be used to entertain and bring joy to users. We hope you enjoy the joke-telling session with our AI voice!

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