Why FastAPI has become my go-to library

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Why FastAPI is my new favorite library

Why FastAPI is my new favorite library

FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python. It is fast, easy to use, and highly performant. Here are a few reasons why FastAPI has quickly become my new favorite library:

Fast Execution

One of the key features of FastAPI is its incredible speed. It is built on top of Starlette, a high-performance ASGI framework, and uses Pydantic for data validation and serialization. This combination allows FastAPI to handle thousands of requests per second with very low latency, making it an excellent choice for high-performance applications.

Easy to Use

FastAPI’s simple and intuitive API makes it easy to get started with building APIs. With built-in support for automatic documentation using OpenAPI and Swagger, developers can quickly create and test endpoints without having to write additional code.

Type Safety

One of the standout features of FastAPI is its use of Python type hints for input validation and serialization. This provides a level of type safety that is not present in other Python web frameworks, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors and improving the overall reliability of the codebase.

Async Support

FastAPI fully supports asynchronous programming, allowing developers to write non-blocking, concurrent code that can handle a large number of connections efficiently. This enables developers to create highly responsive and scalable applications that can handle large amounts of traffic without sacrificing performance.


FastAPI is a powerful and feature-rich web framework that is well-suited for building modern APIs. Its combination of speed, ease of use, type safety, and async support make it a standout choice for developers looking to build high-performance applications in Python. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend giving FastAPI a try – it just might become your new favorite library too!