Working with Calendar Type 6 in Selenium with Python

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Handling Calendar Type 6 in Selenium Python

Handling Calendar Type 6 in Selenium Python

Calendar Type 6 is a common type of calendar element that is often seen on websites. It consists of a text field where users can manually input a date and a calendar icon that users can click to select a date from a pop-up calendar.

When automating tests using Selenium Python, handling Calendar Type 6 can be a bit tricky due to the pop-up calendar element. However, with the right approach, it can be easily managed.

1. Locating the Calendar Element

The first step in handling Calendar Type 6 is to locate the calendar element on the webpage. This can typically be done using Selenium’s find_element_by_xpath() or find_element_by_css_selector() methods.

2. Entering a Date Manually

If the calendar element allows users to input a date manually, you can simply use Selenium’s send_keys() method to enter a date into the text field.

3. Clicking the Calendar Icon

If the calendar element requires users to select a date from the pop-up calendar, you can use Selenium’s click() method to click on the calendar icon. This will trigger the pop-up calendar to appear.

4. Selecting a Date from the Calendar

Once the pop-up calendar appears, you can locate the specific date element that you want to select using find_element_by_xpath() or find_element_by_css_selector(). After locating the element, you can use the click() method to select the date.

5. Handling Date Formats

When dealing with dates in Selenium Python, it’s important to ensure that the date format matches the date format expected by the website. You may need to convert the date format using Python’s datetime module before entering or selecting a date.

By following these steps and best practices, you can effectively handle Calendar Type 6 elements in your Selenium Python test automation scripts. Happy testing!