Working with Celery in Flask

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Working in Celery with Flask

Working in Celery with Flask

If you are developing a Flask application and need to implement background tasks or scheduled tasks, Celery is a great tool to use. Celery is an asynchronous task queue that allows you to run tasks in the background and handle heavy processing without blocking the main application.

Here are some steps to start working with Celery in Flask:

  1. Install Celery and Flask-Celery
  2. Create a Celery configuration in your Flask application
  3. Define your Celery tasks
  4. Start the Celery worker

Installing Celery and Flask-Celery can be done using pip:

pip install celery flask-celery

After installing the required packages, you can create a Celery configuration in your Flask application. This can be done by creating a file in your project directory and configuring a Celery instance:

from celery import Celery

celery = Celery(__name__, broker=’redis://localhost:6379/0′)

Next, you can define your Celery tasks in separate Python files. These tasks can be regular Python functions decorated with the @celery.task decorator. Here is an example task that simply prints a message:

from celery import current_task

def print_message(message):

To start the Celery worker, you can run the following command in your terminal:

celery -A celery_worker.celery worker –loglevel=info

Now, you can use Celery in your Flask application to run background tasks. For example, you can call the Celery task defined earlier in a Flask route like this:

from celery_worker import print_message

def run_task():
print_message.delay(‘Hello from Celery!’)
return ‘Task started!’

Working with Celery in Flask is a powerful way to handle background tasks and heavy processing in your application. By following these steps, you can easily integrate Celery into your Flask project and improve its performance and scalability.

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1 month ago

can i get source code

1 month ago

I currently have a bug we’re whenever two users login to my flask app and refresh a few time s the other users information gets displayed. When I comment out all clergy code everything works fine. Any idea what’s going on?

1 month ago

Brother you deserve much more subscribers!! your video here is one of the clearer ones I've seen about Celery and Flask.

a question: which one is better between Celery and RabbitMQ?
I understand Celery is the one preferred according to Flask docs..but where do they differ?