
Yet Another JS Bundler Enters the Scene – Trust me, This One is Worth a Look

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Another new JS bundler? This one’s interesting I promise

Another new JS bundler? This one’s interesting I promise

JavaScript bundlers are essential tools for web developers that help optimize and streamline the process of bundling and minifying JavaScript code. With the ever-evolving landscape of web development, new tools and technologies are constantly being introduced to make the development process more efficient.

One of the latest tools to hit the scene is a new JS bundler that promises to offer a unique and interesting approach to bundling JavaScript code. This new bundler has generated a lot of buzz in the web development community and for good reason.

What sets this new JS bundler apart from others is its emphasis on performance and efficiency. It boasts a lightning-fast bundling process that significantly reduces build times, making it ideal for large-scale projects with complex JavaScript codebases.

Moreover, this new bundler offers a range of features that make it a versatile tool for web developers. From code splitting and tree shaking to support for modern JavaScript features, this bundler has everything you need to optimize your JavaScript code and create high-performing web applications.

But perhaps the most interesting aspect of this new JS bundler is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. With a clean and minimalistic design, developers can easily navigate through the bundling process and configure the tool to suit their specific needs.

In conclusion, this new JS bundler is certainly worth considering for your next web development project. With its speed, efficiency, and impressive feature set, it promises to be a game-changer in the world of JavaScript bundling. So why not give it a try and see for yourself just how interesting and useful this new tool can be?

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2 months ago

This is definitely another counter reset

2 months ago

Sounds like the goal is having the client itself act as a sort of git repository – actually sounds like a really cool idea!
I have a feeling that at some point, such as with major releases, it would make sense to start anew and ship an entirely new “baseline” for which to build of of

2 months ago

FYI, Filipino: kuto [kú. tu.] : lice (n.); louse (n.);

2 months ago

just realized ive been running without caching….

2 months ago

Loved the "am I getting corrected live?" Hahhaha😂

2 months ago

Weird. But I get the point. Used to have this issue before where the bundle would be big enough to kill first load by quite a bit, but an alternative is Qwik which we moved to and basically does the Kuto thing by default.

2 months ago

Lighthouse is right in putting much importance on speed of first load. It is crucial for marketing sites where each 0.1s delay makes huge difference between acquiring new lead and wasting money on ad visitor clicked. Users open 5-7 tabs when they search for solution, use first loaded and discard the rest. So if you send half internet in your bundle when users opening paid ads, conversions will likely not be as efficient as they would have been otherwise (imagine losing potential customers because you send too much tracking scripts).
For apps designed for multiple visits – no big deal. After all, users already purchased what you intended to sell.

2 months ago

I feel like we're zig-zagging towards (1) a service worker that manages chunks as strings and can load/discard/execute them, plus (2) an API that can deliver on-demand groups of chunks to the service worker. (Surely dozens of apps have implemented flavors of this over the years)

We don't really want browsers to have to keep re-compiling functions that were only used 3 deployments ago, nor do we want these old bundles still in use causing more vital resources to be bumped out of the cache (seems a lessor concern).

2 months ago

Your bytes-to-download are going down, but your memory & JS execution impact on the browser is going up (presumably it has to still recompile the unused functions on every page load). This could be a bad trade-off depending on whether local RAM/compute or network is the bigger bottleneck.

2 months ago

13:40 Caching pretty much makes everything better.

2 months ago

This kind of reminds me of Snowpack. HTTP2 (and now 3) allows for better performance for many files, so just make every dependency its own bundle. They rarely change, so the only cache eviction is your application code. Although this is more granular I guess

2 months ago

Take a shot every time he says "interesting"

2 months ago

Dynamic import and bundler's checksum-based naming fixes most of these issues, arent they?

2 months ago

This sounds interesting for my work but I notice that if I drop it in as a replacement for our current process, we'll have a markedly different set of artefacts in dev than production — because production doesn't build as often as dev, it'll have different cache corpuses. That shouldn't matter in theory, but it could be super hard to debug if anything did go wrong

2 months ago

You e plained how great it is and how it could be useful. But you forgot to criticize it and talk about its possible downside.
You also forgot to talk about any existing solution in the wild.

2 months ago

The reference to Schrodinger's cat is brilliant! (Schrodinger's function)

2 months ago

F CACHING, yes ive said it

2 months ago

prepare yourself for cache invalidation horror stories

2 months ago

Thanks for reminding me to turn caching back on haha

2 months ago

you can solve this at the code organization level. The dev should be in control of code splitting, not magic solutions.