Deploying a Django Application with PostgreSQL for Rendering | Free Django Tutorial

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Deploying a Django App to Render with PostgreSQL | Django Tutorial

Deploying a Django App to Render with PostgreSQL

Welcome to our tutorial on deploying a Django app to Render with PostgreSQL! In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to deploy your Django app to Render so that it can render pages using PostgreSQL as the backend database.

Step 1: Set up your Django app

Before you can deploy your Django app to Render, you need to have your app set up locally on your machine. Make sure your app is functioning properly in your development environment before moving on to deployment.

Step 2: Configure your Render account

If you haven’t already, sign up for a free account on Render. Once you have created an account, navigate to your dashboard and create a new web service. Select Django as your framework and choose PostgreSQL as your database.

Step 3: Configuration files

In order to deploy your app to Render, you will need to create a `render.yaml` file in the root of your project. This file will contain information about your app, including the type of service, framework, and database you are using.

Step 4: Deploy your app

Once you have configured everything, you can now deploy your Django app to Render. Push your code to your Git repository and Render will automatically build and deploy your app. You can monitor the deployment process in your Render dashboard.

Step 5: Test your app

After deployment is complete, you can test your app by visiting the URL provided by Render. Make sure everything is working as expected and that your app is rendering pages using PostgreSQL as the backend database.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your Django app to Render with PostgreSQL. Now you can share your app with the world and continue to make improvements as needed.

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11 days ago

Bro how can we handle migrations like migrating it?

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