Exploring Next.js analytics capabilities: capturing events, recording sessions, using feature flags, and more

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Next.js Analytics Walkthrough

Next.js Analytics Walkthrough: Event Capture, Session Recordings, Feature Flags, and More

Next.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. One important aspect of developing web applications is analytics – the process of collecting and analyzing data to understand user behavior and make data-driven decisions. In this walkthrough, we will explore how you can leverage analytics in your Next.js application to capture events, record user sessions, implement feature flags, and more.

Event Capture

Event capture is the process of tracking user interactions on your website, such as clicks, form submissions, and page views. With Next.js, you can use tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Segment to capture events and analyze user behavior. By tracking events, you can gain valuable insights into how users interact with your website and optimize your product accordingly.

Session Recordings

Session recordings allow you to record and replay user sessions on your website, giving you a real-time view of how users navigate and interact with your application. Tools like FullStory, Hotjar, and Lucky Orange can help you capture session recordings in your Next.js application. By watching session recordings, you can identify usability issues, user frustrations, and areas for improvement in your application.

Feature Flags

Feature flags are a powerful tool for controlling and managing features in your application. With feature flags, you can toggle features on and off, target specific user groups, and roll out new features gradually. Tools like LaunchDarkly, Split, and Optimizely can help you implement feature flags in your Next.js application. By using feature flags, you can experiment with features, gather feedback from users, and iterate on your product more effectively.


Analytics are a crucial component of building successful web applications. By capturing events, recording user sessions, implementing feature flags, and analyzing data, you can understand user behavior, make informed decisions, and optimize your product for success. With Next.js, you have a powerful framework at your disposal to leverage analytics and drive results in your web application. Start implementing analytics in your Next.js application today and unlock the potential for growth and success.

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22 days ago

The live captured events are not showing on dashboard how can I make it to display it on dashboard?

22 days ago

Thanks, great video! Quick question, my NEXT_PUBLIC isn't working for some reason. If I call it anything else, it's fine, but the second it sees NEXT_PUBLIC, it throws a syntaxerror. Is it fine to just put the keys in plain text without the env vars?

22 days ago

Any documentation for using this with the app directory?

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