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How JavaScript Reactivity is Shaping the Evolution of Frameworks: A Look at React, Angular, Svelte, and Vue.js #reactivity #frameworks #evolution

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JavaScript Reactivity: Driving evolution in frameworks

JavaScript Reactivity: Driving evolution in frameworks

JavaScript reactivity has become a key driving force behind the evolution of modern front-end frameworks. With the rise of technologies like React, Angular, Svelte, and Vue.js, developers are able to build dynamic and interactive web applications with ease.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the UI based on changes in data. React’s component-based architecture and unidirectional data flow make it easy to build modular and scalable applications.


Angular is a comprehensive framework developed by Google for building single-page applications. Angular uses reactive programming to automatically update the view whenever the data changes. This makes it easy to create real-time applications that respond to user input instantly.


Svelte is a relatively new framework that compiles components into highly efficient vanilla JavaScript code at build time. This eliminates the need for a virtual DOM and allows for better performance. Svelte’s reactivity system automatically updates the DOM elements based on changes in data, making the framework lightweight and fast.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Vue’s reactivity system allows developers to create dynamic web applications without the need for complex state management. Vue’s template-based syntax makes it easy to build interactive interfaces quickly.

Overall, JavaScript reactivity has revolutionized the way developers build web applications. By enabling real-time updates and seamless data binding, frameworks like React, Angular, Svelte, and Vue.js have transformed the front-end development landscape. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions that leverage reactivity to create dynamic and engaging user experiences.

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16 days ago

Great video! It's so well explained

16 days ago

HTMX is here to end the misery created by JS frameworks.

16 days ago

Finally jQuery became meta again

16 days ago

Nice work explaining all this.

16 days ago

Very nice video. It's also interesting that there's a proposal for signals to come to vanilla JS. When that comes about I believe most frameworks will coalesce into a more unified model of reactivity. Especially React would probably need to considering browser optimizations would likely allow these signals to be faster than their framework counterparts. So React would be even more left in the dust so to say.

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