Validating JSON APIs with ZOD in Next.js 14

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Next.js 14: JSON API Validation with ZOD

Next.js 14: JSON API Validation with ZOD

Next.js is a popular React framework that enables developers to build static or server-side rendered web applications with ease. With the release of version 14, Next.js now includes built-in support for JSON API validation using the ZOD library.

The ZOD Library

ZOD is a lightweight and fast schema validation library for JavaScript. It allows developers to define schemas for JSON data and validate them using a simple API. With ZOD, you can easily define the structure and validation rules for your JSON API data.

Using ZOD with Next.js

To use ZOD for JSON API validation in Next.js, you first need to install the ZOD library by running the following command:

npm install zod

Once you have installed the ZOD library, you can import it in your Next.js API routes and use it for validation. Here’s an example of how you can define a schema for a user object using ZOD:

import { z } from 'zod';

const userSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
email: z.string().email(),
age: z.number().int().positive(),

You can then use the userSchema to validate incoming JSON data in your Next.js API routes. If the data does not match the schema, ZOD will throw an error with detailed information about the validation failure.

Benefits of JSON API Validation with ZOD

Using ZOD for JSON API validation in Next.js has several benefits, including:

  • Improved data consistency and integrity
  • Better error handling and debugging
  • Reduced risk of security vulnerabilities
  • Increased developer productivity and confidence


Next.js 14’s built-in support for JSON API validation with ZOD makes it easier for developers to ensure the integrity and consistency of their API data. By using ZOD schemas in your Next.js API routes, you can catch data validation errors early and provide better error handling for your users.

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19 days ago

Looking for an advanced custom ZOD validation schema?
Look at my source code where I implemented a custom "OrderID" validation schema.

Source Code:

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